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I finally experienced what was real 'kowtowing again and again'; it was entirely different from what I had seen in television dramas and my own imagination.

Each of the three cultivators were wearing different colored Taoist robes: red, blue and purple.

Cultivator Laena led the ritual, so she wore bright red Taoist robes.

The three cultivators stood in front of the statue of the Goddess of the Blue Dawn.

Mom and I kneeled at the very front.

I had planned to sit back on my shins, but when I saw mom kneeling with a straight back and her knees at a right angle, I had no choice but to kneel like her too.

The weight of my body was concentrated on my knees, and my knees were on a hard wooden-core cushion too; the pain of it went without saying.

I took a grateful look at mom. 

If she hadn't given me this thick pair of knee pads, I probably would not last for very long.

All of the servant girls who followed here kneeled behind me, while the crowd of cultivators from temple kneeled behind mom.

For each time that cultivator Diana knocked the singing bowl, everyone had to get up completely, and then perform the grand courtesy of three bows and nine kowtows.

The three cultivators were not reciting the scriptures; they sang it out instead.

The young cultivators behind them echoed it quietly.

Honestly speaking, it was sung with a very weird tone, but I couldn't laugh at all.

It was as if there was an invisible and mysterious force around them, creating a solemn and awe-inspiring atmosphere, making it hard for people to possess thoughts of disrespect.

I was still alright since I had developed a strong foundation from the demonic training at the island, but poor mom had to kowtow repeatedly at her age.

After just a few rounds, her thick and beautiful hair had already turned wet.

I sincerely didn't think that this kind of thing was actually useful, but seeing how devout mom was, I did not dare to act impetuously as the Stark's son-in-law in name.

Though, I still quietly rejoiced to myself. 

It was truly fortunate that I had substituted for Jennie, otherwise she would definitely have leaked from all of this repeated movement!

The chanting went on for four entire hours, until I started to doubt the meaning of life.

Why were there so many deities in this world?

Finally, a drum was sounded.

Cultivator Laena led the crowd out of the grand hall.

A small hill of gold ingots made from paper had been piled up on the square outside of the grand hall at who knows when.

Mom pulled out her handkerchief, then she wiped her sweat away. 

She ordered someone to hand the torch to me, then she said, "Lisa, go over there and send the ingots above. It's to remove ill fortune and pray for blessings."

"Understood, mom."

I threw the torch onto the hill of ingots, then flames scurried up at once. 

I walked in a small run back to mom's side.

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