Part Seventeen - long wait

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Derek jolted awake by the pounding of the door in front of him. He looked at his phone to see what time it was. It was twelve am and he'd had many texts and calls shown on the bright screen.

"Damn it," he muttered as he got up from the cot of the on-call room "what's going on?" He spoke louder this time. Waiting for the person on the other side to answer.

"It's Meredith, they found her," Cristina stammered, coking on her words. Derek couldn't believe it.

"They what?" He uttered under his breath as he whipped open the door, seeing the terrified look on Cristina's face. It made his stomach turn and his body go numb.

"She's in really bad shape, Derek." She told him with tears in her eyes, Something no one would get to see besides those close to her. She was sad and worried for her best friend.

"Where is she?" He stammered, walking passed her. His eyes became watery and his heart sank. Sadness washed over him. He was glad she was back but terrified if she was even going to make it.

"She just got out of surgery, you weren't answering our calls so I went to find you."

"Where is she?" He asked again, running a hand through his hair, feeling as hot tears fell from his eyes. Cristina followed closely behind.

"She should be in the icu about now." She pulled out her phone and started to frantically text Alex, wondering if she could get any information from him.

Derek didn't say anything, he continued down the hall and to the elevator. Cristina entered at the same time as he did, both standing there waiting for the elevator to move. Seconds felt like an eternity.

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