Part 12 - Panic

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4/25/22 just doing some changes:)

Sitting in her room scared and worried. Meredith thought of the men and what they could do. She couldn't help it, they were looking for her right now in the hospital. The thought of that made her stomach ache and her throat dry. Meredith just wanted it to be all over, she wanted to feel safe again.

While in thought she heard a few slight knocks on her door. She let out a soft sigh before responding, knowing well enough it was a worried George. She was tired and sad, she didn't want to conversate.

"Come in," she mumbled, sitting at the edge of her bed. She watched as George peaked his head in before coming in.

"Mer," George sighed, his eyes going soft and his posture changing "Are you doing okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine." Meredith spoke. Typical Meredith move. She wasn't fine, she wanted to run. Meredith wanted to just break down and cry as well, but she thought if she did. She wouldn't be able to stop crying.

"You don't look fine."

"I want Derek and everyone else that I care about to be safe, that's all." Meredith muttered getting up from her spot. She wasn't lying, but that wasn't the only thing on her mind.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, the police will come for them soon."

"We don't know that."

Just then, George's phone rang. The two exchanged glances before he answered. He muttered to himself as he looked at the phone. It was Cristina calling. He looked back over at Meredith as he answered.


"The men left, they're gone." Cristina spoke frantically. Her voice sounded worried, as well as scared.

"W-what?" Meredith stammered looking between the phone and George. She heard Cristina as clear as glass. Meredith's eyes widened and she saw the color leave George's face. He ran out of positivity, he had no clue what to say.

"I'm sure they don't know where you live Mer," George stammered, still on the phone with Cristina.

"That's how they took me the first time!" Meredith cried out through gritted teeth "I got to get out of here George." Meredith paced around the room for a few seconds, her arms wrapped around her torso. Trying to keep her from a panic attack.

At this point, Meredith was almost sobbing. Running out of the room, trying not to fall as the tears began to cloud her vision. She was a mess and utterly terrified. Meredith couldn't make it to the stairs, falling down on her knees and grabbing her chest. She was having a panic attack.

Meredith could feel someone hug her from behind. He was saying something, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. She couldn't hear him through her own sobs. Meredith was breaking down, to scared to do anything and knowing damn well she held in her feelings for way to long.

Here is a tiny part for you all, just because I haven't been updating in literally ages. I hope you all are doing okay! Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it.

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