Part sixteen - Meredith Grey

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This chapter will have some violence and abuse. I just wanted to let everyone know. As well as mention of SA. 

So, somehow I deleted part seventeen, so from here it is going to be different. I am very sorry, I have no clue how I did it. I hope you all enjoy this new chapter though! It will be longer than the original and I also changed it up too. :)

Meredith woke up to a loud clang and a few footsteps. She kept her eyes shut in hopes the person would go away. They didn't. Something was sitting in front of her and in front of Finn. She opened one eye to see a tall stature in front of her, his eyes glaring down. He caught her watching, his eyebrows rose as he watched. His face grew with irritation. 

"I know you're awake," He growled watching as she opened both eyes. Fear struck her as the man grew closer. "You're such a little shit." He spat and smacked her across the face. 

"Let her go, slugger!" Finn howled, His voice shook with anger. "It's my fault,  not hers!" 

"You don't like when I hurt her don't you?" He asked, he gripped Meredith's chin and looked back over at Finn. He watched as a single tear ran down her face. She didn't want this. 

"Who would?" Finn snapped back, giving the man a look. Slugger just shook his head and chuckled. 

"Just like old times huh?" He spoke and smacked her across the face, Meredith winced and attempted to cover her face, but it was no use he continued to smack her until her face turned red. She cried out in pain, trying to move. But that was no use as well. 

"Stop! She doesn't deserve this!" Finn yelled watching as he punched her in the stomach, letting her fall to the ground. He kicked her feet and looked over at Finn who looked like he was ready to fight. 

"Where's Sadie then?" He growled and kneeled at Meredith's level. Threatening to do something again. Teasing Finn like he was some kind of animal. 

"Please stop," She cried, covering her now bloody face. Her body ached and she wanted to go home. She wanted her family and Derek. 

"G-Get me my phone," He stammered, pointing toward the other room "I'll call her and find out. She'll tell me! Just stop hurting her. Please!" He begged. 

"Fine," He spat and began to get up from his spot "You better not be fucking with me." He left the room to find Finn's belongings. The sounds of his feet echoed as he stomped down the hall. 

"I'm so sorry," Finn stammered looking over at Meredith who was silent. Nothing was heard from her. "Meredith?" He asked, she just shook her head. She didn't want to speak, she was so over everything. She couldn't do it anymore. 

A few minutes passed and they heard footsteps and another voice. He had brought other people this time. Their voices got louder and louder. Meredith didn't even flinch when they heard the door open and a few men walked into the room. She just stayed silent and watched as they huddled in the room. 

"Here's your phone," Slugger growled as he tossed the phone. Luckily Finn caught it, he sighed as he began to turn it on. The man's eyes were glued to their captures, watching every movement. 

"Watch him!" A man spoke pointing over at Finn. "She better pick up or answer. Or something bad is gonna happen to your girl." 

Slugger watched as Finn searched her name and found it after a few seconds. Finn pressed the call button and held the phone up to his ear, hearing it begin to ring. But no one answered. Now sweat began to fall from his pours. He began to get nervous. 

"No answer?" The same man spoke slowly walking toward Meredith. Finn flinched, pressing the call button again. This time an answer, he put the phone on speaker so everyone could hear. 

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