Part four - Everyone knows

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The slight knocking on the bedroom door caused them to jolt up from their spots, warm and safe in each other's arms. Meredith was the first to sit up, realizing that they had fallen asleep in each other's arms. She sat there for a second, staring at the door waiting for one of her roommate's voices. Then the knocking sounded again and the doorknob began to turn. A familiar hand gripping the door followed by a friendly face. Well, to Meredith. 

"Hello?" Meredith and Derek both asked at the same time, their voices sounding curious and unsure. Meredith had forgotten she had texted Cristina before they had fallen asleep.  Cristina peered through the door with a worried facial expression. She glanced around the room before speaking. 

"Hi, I got your text," she spoke standing in the doorway "what's going on, are you okay?" She added looking between Meredith and Derek. 

Meredith and Derek exchanged glances before saying anything. He noticed that she had tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes looked red and swollen, he felt horrible. Derek gave her a quick smile before turning to Cristina who stood at the edge of the bed looking tense up. She looked worried and nervous. Just like he was. 

"Let's go downstairs," Derek muttered getting out of the bed, followed by Meredith who had a nervous look on her face.

"The others should be home soon," Meredith told Cristina as they both walked side by side down the stairs. Cristina looked over at her and nodded, her worried eyes glancing over at her "It's nothing too bad." Meredith muttered, knowing it was a lie as soon as it left her lips. 


The three of them found a spot in the living room to sit, Meredith and Derek sitting on the couch. While Cristina sat in the lazy boy across from them. The sound of the door opening caused them to turn their heads to the door. Alex and George followed by Izzie all walked into the house. They were all dressed up in their coats and had begun to take them off, as well as their shoes. Alex was the first to speak, setting his bag down before taking a seat.

"I got your text," he muttered, "what's wrong, why do you look so scared?" He added, his eyes glanced between Derek and Cristina. He looked worried, he looked somewhat angry at the same time. The text she had sent him, seemed urgent and like something bad had happened to her. Or was. 

"I-I have to tell you all something," Meredith stammered looking at everyone in the room. They were all spread across the room, Izzie and George sat on the couch in front of the window, while Alex sat next to Meredith. His feet propped up on the coffee table, much like Cristina was doing. 

"What is it? You're scaring me Mer," Cristina spoke, leaning forward in her chair. A worried facial expression was displayed on her face.

"You don't have to tell us Mer, if it's something you don't wanna tell us," George spoke 

"Even if you are scared, you still gotta tell us," Cristina spoke, interrupting George before he spoke again. She looked over at him, only to see how scared and worried he looked. 

"She's terrified," George muttered, frowning "She looks like she's been crying all day. Cut her some slack."

"This-This is something I have to tell you all," Meredith stammered looking over at Cristina and George. She swallowed the lump in her throat and continued before the bickering could start up again "When I was younger, I was kidnapped by three men. They are getting out in about two weeks." Meredith stopped as emotions began to overwhelm her. She looked around the room to see that no one's facial expressions had changed, they were still worried and scared. Their emotions running wild. 

The room fell silent once again, their eyes were all on Meredith. Their hearts fell heavy, their minds began to race. No one knew what to say, they all just sat there figuring out what to do. Tears grew in Meredith's eyes, she was terrified. She had no control of what was going to happen. They had no control either. 

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