Part fourteen - Finn

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Loud footsteps were heard. They were getting closer and closer then the door had opened, revealing a very concerned Alex. He looked between the two women huddled in the closet. His eyebrows furrowed. 

"What is going on?" He asked 

"There were these two men chasing us!" Meredith stammered, Alex looked over at Christina. 

"I didn't see anything, I followed her because she was terrified," Christina muttered, her voice filled with worry "As soon as she grabbed my arm I knew something was up and she dragged me up here. Alex, she can't be alone." She whispered. 

"You didn't see them?" She whimpered, looking over at Christina. Her eyes grew wide, fear written on her face. 

"N-No," Christina stammered, not wanting to offend her best friend "It's just a trauma response. You were scared, so you ran upstairs. It's okay, we just won't leave you alone."  

"But what if I am hallucinating?" Meredith asked looking between Alex and Christina. 

"I'm not sure, Mer, "Christina spoke "One of us will be with you okay?" She reassured. Alex gave her a small smile and nodded. Agreeing with Christina. 

"Wh-what's going on?" Derek's voice rang, he sounded worried. He looked at the three clustered over by the closet. Meredith and Christina still huddled together. Alex, calmly standing in front of them with a concerned look on his face. 

"Meredith got scared, we have it, Derek," Alex told him, turning around to face Derek. Alex sighed and looked between Meredith and Derek. 

"O-okay," Derek stammered "I heard the men are out." He sighed walking over to Meredith and pulling her into a hug. Meredith flinched, looking between Alex and Christina. 

"What if I am just imagining everything?" Meredith asked, walking out of the closet and slowly backing away from the three in front of her "You all could be my kidnappers and I could just be imagining you three because you all make me happy." She rambled on. Still backing up. 

"Mer," Alex sighed, walking up to her "Do you need to be pinched? What can I do to make you believe we are real?" He asked, gently grabbing her elbow and caressing it with his thumb. Meredith gave him a small nod and with that, he pinched her. It made her wince, pulling away from him. 

"Okay, I believe you now," She sighed, grabbing her elbow and rubbing it. It definitely hurt. Alex gave her a soft smile and nodded. She looked back between the three, Derek and Christina were closer. She hadn't noticed them moving "Look, I am getting so tired for some reason." Meredith sighed, and slowly she felt her body pull her toward the ground. She felt something cold against her back as she hit the floor. Pain surged through her body. 

No, she was not okay. 

Warning: Strong language and violence...

"Fuck!" Meredith heard a familiar voice yell, waking her up with a jolt. How'd she got here? She must have been dreaming since the hospital. Crap. "How much did you give her!" The voice yelled once more. 

"Look, she's waking up now! Relax." Another voice spoke. 

Meredith opened her eyes and looked around the room, she saw Finn. Alive and chained up next to her. They must have faked his death. Is that what they did with her? I hope not. Meredith had thought. The same men stood in front of her, this time no Finn's dad. Something was different. She sat there and stared at the men, confused. 

"What are you looking at Grey?" One of the men snarled, leaning toward Meredith. 

"You obviously," Finn spat." 

"You're not dead?" Meredith asked looking over at Finn. He looked different. 

"No?" He responded confused. 

"D-didn't we call earlier?" She stammered looking over at him, her eyebrows fused together like glue. 

"Shut up!" The other man spat, walking into the room and picking up Meredith by the neck of her shirt. She winced in pain, her body aching. She felt every single ounce of it. 

"Put her down!" Finn yelled, trying to get up. The other man walked over grabbing him. "Let go of me!" He muttered, swinging his fists. 

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Sadie?" Meredith whimpered, looking into the man's eyes. It was Wiliam. 

"Exactly," The man grinned, his teeth covered in plack and some black covering his teeth. Meredith cringed, it wasn't a nice sight to see. But she now had an answer. 

"I-I haven't talked to her since college," She stammered, grabbing ahold of the man's arms as he brought her off the ground. She winced, her feet dangling. 

"Stop!" Finn Cried out "Let me help you find Sadie, not Meredith. She's innocent!" 

"Quiet boy!" William spat

"I know Sadie!" Finn sighed "I dated her, we had a secret relationship. I will lead you right to her!" 

"Why would you do that?" The other man spat, Meredith couldn't put a finger on his name. But she remembered him. 

"She was a bitch!" Finn muttered, shyly looking over at Meredith. Who was now beginning to kick the shins of Wiliam. Luckily, she caught herself. But it still hurt to hit the concrete floor.  She looked over at Finn, her eyes grew wide. "She stole everything from my family. Heirlooms, money, and even all my mom's jewelry." 

'Meredith?" Wiliam questioned, looking over at her and giving her leg a nudge "Do you believe this?" 

"I-I don't know." She stammered, looking over at him. Tears fall from her eyes, she was mortified. Wiliam shook his head and looked back over to Finn. 

"Until we find her, Meredith will be your motivation," Wiliam spoke "Until then. Good luck." He added, motioning for his friend to follow him out the door. 

This time they looked to be in a basement or an abandoned apartment building that was boarded up. There was nothing in the room except a blanket and a door that led to another. The walls were blue and tiled. It looked similar to the hospital's OR room, but the floor was half concrete and half carpet. 

 Meredith looked over Finn as the two men left the room. He looked distraught. His head bowed, his eyes focused on the floor. It made her curious. Did he really know Sadie or was it just him lying? 

About 12 hours later, after Meredith was taken: 

End warning- But mentions of blood.m 

Derek had walked all over the hospital looking for Meredith, but there was one spot he had not checked the basement. He caught up with Alex and Christina at the nurse's station, the two equally as worried as he was. They all walked down toward the basement, their stomachs tieing into knots. They were scared, hoping nothing had happened to Meredith. 

Slowly they walked down the hall, Derek could sense something was wrong. In the first room, they walked into there were signs of struggle, things tossed around the room. As well as blood and footprints. And a name tag, specifically Meredith Grey's nametag. They all stood there in the room, their bodies turning into mush. Their hearts in their stomach. Meredith was gone and no one knew if she was dead or alive. 

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