"What would that be?" He had overstayed his welcome and the moment he left I was going to find out exactly how he entered this place. No one should have been able to reach this palace although somehow, he had. "You are someone unable to admit when wrong so I have brought her. She was the one you gave the most care and attention, was she not?" Rosinante had been pointing towards the double doors but before I had the chance to turn something had started running toward me. "Young Master! I missed yo-Ah! I am okay!"

I had not expected it however Elizabeth had seen a threat and kicked it a couple of feet away. "Elizabeth! Why did you do that!?" Rosinante should not have raised his voice at Elizabeth but again the girl decided to speak on her own behalf. "Did you see the teeth on that thing? I was in fear for my life... Hey, where did your brother go? I never got the chance to ask him anymore que-mfff" Looking back I was met by an empty spot where Rosinante once stood although did not think much about it. I highly doubt he was still within this palace.

"That is enough out of you. Go to bed. I have to deal with this small inconvenience" Looking at the child on the ground I started to walk forward but Elizabeth would not allow me to walk more than a step. "Yes, give her a room and make sure she is fed. That's a great plan. I'm so glad you thought of it" That sounded like a demand however I turned to ask her about it. "Excuse me? I have no intention of letting her stay. This palace is only for you and me. There is no room for anyone else"

"Doffy, stop acting like a heartless bastard. Either, you give her a room or you can go find somewhere else to sleep. It's your choice" Staring down at Elizabeth I understood her decision would be final and while I could erase this day from her memories, I was already pushing her to the limit. Using that too often will only cause her harm so I needed to make a choice.

"I will return shortly"

Elizabeth's Pov

Doflamingo was stupid to think I'd let him go anywhere without me. "No, I'm coming with you. I can't trust you to do anything alone" Sure I had just kicked this girl but that was just a reflex and I was sorry about it. To make it up to her I'd have Doflamingo give her a nice place to call home. "That is not necessary" He might have said that although I just walked past him to get closer to Sugar. "I'm sorry for kicking you, Sugar. I thought you were going to attack me"

"Oh, don't worry about it. The Young Master really likes you. I can tell. He had refused to let go of you since the moment we arrived and look! You got him to get rid of the cage! Well, not all of it but finally there is hope" I hadn't noticed it until she pointed it out although taking a look at my shirt, I could see how there was something pulling at it. He had put his strings on me however he never pulled on them so it must have been a comfort thing for him. "Yeah, I guess he does like me. Isn't that right Doffy?"

"Elizabeth, we need to have a discussion in private" I knew this had to be bothering him but he needed to grow up and realize I had made my decision. "Doflamingo, the matter has already been settled. If you continue to fight me it will not end well for you" This was one girl. It wasn't like I was forcing him to allow his entire family back into the palace. "We need to have a discussion"

"Fine but just know I have already made my decision. I am the queen of this kingdom so my say is final" Now, I heard him say it countless times although as he replied I nearly kicked him in the shins. "You are not the queen until you marry me and I highly doubt you would agree to that" I didn't need to argue with this child so I turned back to Sugar in order to ask her a few questions. "Sugar, why are you alone?" There should have been at least one other with her however that was not the case. "What do you mean?"

"Weren't you staying with Vergo?" That man still needed to show me his mice circus so he better be prepared. "My older sister was there too... I do not want to speak about it" When I heard that tone my mood soured. Something was wrong and while I knew it was wrong, I decided to push her to tell me what had happened. "Did something happen?" I started softly without putting much force into it although I would change it depending on how she responded. When she didn't reply at all I asked another question. "Do they know you are here?"

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now