Ivy best frend
Hi love
Does mummy know you have her phone?

Ro. 🤍
told her I was playing a game
but I miss you 😢
wen you come over?

Ivy best frend
later love.
I'll be leaving soon

can you come now
please hary
i bored
mama is boring

Ivy best frend
give me a few minutes, okay?
tell mumma i'll be there in a few minutes

Ro. 🤍
i give phone to her now
bye hary
see you soon

I stuff my phone in my back pocket, not even bothering to change out of the clothes I was currently in.

I stuff my phone in my back pocket, not even bothering to change out of the clothes I was currently in

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Ivy is requesting my presence now, and Ivy gets what Ivy wants. I am her best friend after all.

I make the ten minute drive to Rory's house. As I pull into the driveway I see a car parked on the side of the road at the neighbors across the street that isn't usually there.

I don't think anything of it though. I've only been over here a handful of times, so i'm not quite sure what cars are constantly coming in and out of the neighborhood.

I snap my head over to drivers side window as I hear a consistent banging coming from the other side.

There's a tiny hand slapping against the glass, and it's no other than Ivy's.

I chuckle, rolling down the window as Rory comes out of the house, hands on her hips.

"Ivy Rose Fraser we do not run out of the house without an adult!" Rory scolds her, sternly yet softly.

"but mommy! it's Harry!" Ivy squeaks. I roll my window up and turn off the car as Rory pulls Ivy away from the door.

"You got hand prints all over his window!" Rory huffs as I step out the car.

I shake my head and laugh, glancing over at Rory as Ivy stands in front of her, arms crossed and a mad look on her face.

"It's okay. I was planning on taking my car to get cleaned anyways" I wave it off, and Rory sighs.

We all head back into the house, the car that was parked across the street is no longer there.

"Have you eaten anything?" Rory asks softly

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