How far does my bond go

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"I can fix that" Ric come next to me and takes the cloth from my mouth before stepping towards the left beaker and dipping it in

"I wouldn't try using magic if I were you. With the amount of wolfsbane I pumped into ur system I'd be surprised if you even managed to stand on your own two feet"

"Why?" I croaked out, my lips still hurt, although I did feel some relief from the cloth not being around my mouth it still left burns on me

"Why what? Why do I have you here?" Ric asks
I just continue to stare at him while he hold a triumphant look on his face

"She's a vampire-" he points to Caroline "and you're a vampire sympathiser, not to mention a murderer-" he gives the cloth a few more dips in the beaker before walking towards me readying to put the cloth back on

"And in this case, bait"

"You wear his face and you have his voice but you're not Ric. Ric never would've done this" I say

"That Ric was weak. He befriended vampires instead of killing them. I should've trained you and Elena instead of allowing you to get mixed up in all this vampire crap" Ric says, I lazily turn my head to look at him

"I mean look at you. Wolfsbane wouldn't be able to hurt you if you didn't kill, and all those Originals, they've poisoned your mind beyond repair. I may have missed my chance to help you but it's not to late for Elena or Jeremy"

He goes to wrap the cloth around my mouth to which I let him. One thing I try not to do is give kidnappers the satisfaction. They love watching you squirm and writhe in pain. I would know. I've been on both ends enough times to know. My lack of noise seemed to frustrate Alaric as he sat on the table with a scowl on his face directed towards me..

I guess I must have passed out because when I came to, I heard Elena's voice. Everything was a bit muffled for me but I could still see and move my limbs

"How many times do I have to tell again? Stop trusting vampires" I hear Alaric say

"And Mari? She's not a vampire" Elena says

"She's bait, the wolfsbane is just to keep her down. As someone who's seen her fight firsthand I wouldn't put it past her to break free and try and tackle me" u hear Ric say

My mind is fuzzy and my head feels to heavy to keep up. I see Elena holding a stake in front of Caroline looking like she's about to stab her. I start to scream but they're muffled by the cloth. I try moving closer to Caroline but I didn't get very far. I watch Elena turn around and try and stake Alaric but he catches her hand. Elena grabs the beaker filled with vervain and smashes it on Alaric's head she rushes to Caroline to help her but I can see her struggling. I use magic to lift the pencils out of Caroline's hands  which was probably a bad idea since I'm struggling even more to keep my eyes open. Once Elena had seen the pencils fly out of Caroline's hands she moved to me trying to untie my hands from the table while Caroline helped her.

The minute we were free we all ran Caroline's hand was gripped into mine as we traveled down the hall. Elena was grabbed by Ric before she even managed to leave the classroom but Caroline was still holding onto me basically dragging me through the hallway seeing as I could barley walk. Someone grabbed us both from behind covering our mouths before speaking to us softly

"It's ok, it's ok. You're safe" I heard Nik whisper in my ear and I immediately relaxed. I turned around and my body slumped against him

"Go straight home. You stay inside, do you understand"  he whispers

I gave a weak nod and he passes me to Caroline
"Get her home" he says

"Thank you" I hear Caroline reply

Bonded (Niklaus Mikaelson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora