Antonio is momentarily shocked and then tells her to stop telling such lies. Isabella says that she is not lying. She tells him that the baby is a result of their moment of passion and a product of their love. Isabella tries to touch him but he swats her arm away and calls her a psyco. She tells him that that is no way to address the mother of his child. Antonio can hardly believe what Isabella has just said. It is his worst nightmare coming true. How could this happen? He can't imagine Gina's reaction when she finds this out.

Meanwhile, Marianna finds Hector in the office garden. He is busy deep in his thoughts. She puts a hand on his shoulders. He snaps out of it. Noticing it is her; he swats her hand away and tells her to leave him alone. Marianna says they have to talk. Hector says he has nothing to say to her and turns to leave. Marianna says she is pregnant. He turns around and asks her what she said. Marianna repeats her words again and says she is pregnant.

Hector says that is impossible. Marianna reminds him of what happened a month ago. Hector cannot believe what is happening. This is a mess, he wouldn't wish even on his worst enemy. He thinks of Adrianna, his beautiful gentle, queen. How does he even begin to tell her? How will she react? Marianna asks him if she should tell Adrianna the good news or he will. He paces around then gives her a scathing look. He tells her to keep quiet and stay out of his business.

Meanwhile, Antonio tells Isabella that if what she is saying is true, he will take care of his child. He then adds that he will however never love or marry her. Isabella says so basically history, will repeat itself, and he will turn into his father. Isabella watches Antonio flinch, and knows she has hit a sore spot. She asks when he will tell 'that silly townie'. Antonio stands like a cornered cat.

Isabella says that if he won't tell her, she (Isabella) will tell Gina about the baby. Antonio holds her hand forcefully and tells her not to open her filthy mouth and tell Gina, a single word. Isabella equally determined, tells him, he is hurting her. He ignores her but she continues and says that eventually Gina will know, and the pregnancy will show. Antonio says he will tell her, and nobody else will. He reminds Isabella that she will not get a cent of his or the Montes De Alba's money.

Meanwhile, Horacio is in his house, about to leave for work. He is in a happy mood; he already knows the pregnancy news. It is only a matter of time before Gina knows the truth. Soon she will be his as it should be.

Alejandro is also happy. He is in his office in Montes De Alba Inc., twirling in his chair. Adrianna too will know. She will be hurt and vulnerable, and that is where he will come in.

Isabella calls Claudia. On seeing the call, Claudia, who is with her friends in the club, glances at the phone, for a moment. Could it be? The news she has been waiting for, for a little over a month? Is she finally getting rid of Gina? Isabella tells Claudia, she is pregnant with Antonio's child. Claudia is naturally overjoyed about the news, and at being a great grandmother. She says she can imagine how Antonio's reaction was. Isabella says he was rough with her and more concerned with how Gina would take the news rather than asking how she and the baby were doing. Claudia, tells her not to worry, because Antonio will have to do the right thing by her and the baby.

Meanwhile, John is having lunch. He is sitting in his room. Again his mind goes back to Anna Patricia. He then continues eating.

Meanwhile, Alejandro calls Isabella and Marianna to get updates on them revealing the information about their pregnancies, and they tell him. Alejandro reminds them to put pressure on Antonio and Hector to tell Gina and Adrianna the truth. He adds that they should tell them they have, latest by Friday, or they (Isabella and Marianna) will tell Gina and Adrianna the truth.

Later, as usual, Hector, Gina, and Anna Patricia go to see John. After Anna Patricia momentarily steps out as they wait in the garden for John to be brought, Gina asks Hector if he is okay, because he has been quiet for most of the day. He says he is. Gina folds her hands and looks at her brother. She says that she can almost read his mind, and can tell that he isn't okay. She reminds him that she will always be there for him. Hector smiles at her, calls her my nosy little sister and rubs her head. Gina rolls her eyes at him and fake punches him.

The next day, a Tuesday, in the morning, Hector sees a text message. It's Antonio. He wants to talk to him. He is in the living room, having breakfast with Gina and Aurelio. Gina asks him who it is. Hector says Antonio wants to talk to him. Gina asks him, if Antonio told him, what he wants to talk about, and Hector says no.

Meanwhile, Martin is at his grandparents' house, where, he had spent the night. His mother had an early start that day and already left. Clara asks him what bothers him. Martin knows that his grandmother is too stubborn, and smart, and will insist on, him telling her the truth, no matter how long that takes. He tells her that he is worried, about his mother's growing attachment to John. Martin says he feels that along the way, love could develop between the two, and a relationship with John would be too complicated for his mother.

Clara asks him why that would be. Martin looks at her, skeptically, in an, I suspect you are up to something manner. He says that for one, John probably had a wife and family before he had that accident and lost his memory, and he could decide to go back to his wife after recovering his memory. He adds that John could forget his (Martin's) mother or his wife and children are evil, or he loses his sanity again. Clara comes and hugs him. She tells him not to go too far ahead of himself. Clara adds that if his mother and John do fall in love, it was meant to be, and however, it ends it was meant to be.

Clara adds that as for John's health, he should be more positive because the doctor's prognoses are good, and with the combination of medical treatment and the love he is receiving from the family, he will be just fine. Martin again looks skeptically, at his grandmother. He asks her, if he set up his mother, to meet John on purpose. Claudia says she did not, but Martin is still unconvinced. His grandmother is the sneakiest person he knows.

Later, Antonio and Hector, are in the office garden, the only place, one can have private conversations, securely. Antonio is scared, an emotion, he rarely feels. He is afraid of how Hector will react. He knows Hector loves his cousin. Antonio tells Hector that Isabella is pregnant with his child. Antonio is however surprised, at Hector's reaction. It was not the outburst he was expecting. Hector is calm and silent. Hector says that Marianna is pregnant with his child.

Antonio is shocked. Antonio says he suspects, it was a plan by Marianna, Isabella, Alejandro, and Horacio. Hector says he is afraid, of how he is going to tell, Adrianna. Antonio says he too, is afraid. He says he fears Gina's reaction to the news. Antonio adds that the more time passes, the worse, things will be for them. Hector agrees that they should tell them as soon as possible.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now