Antonio says it's all so confusing. He says he doesn't know what to make of it. He adds that sometimes he believes they are dead, but the fact that no bodies have been found yet, makes him hold out hope, that they were found by some nice couple who have raised them since. Adrianna says that she too, sometimes believes that they are alive. She then asks him, why he thinks that they have not come out of hiding by now if they are alive. She also adds that they are Gabriel's children and are heirs.

Antonio says he is not sure, but maybe they don't want to, or can't afford to or they are still afraid of her aunt and his father. He tells her not to worry about it too much, because, everything will eventually fall into place, and they will learn the truth. He then tells her about his talk, with his grandmother and says that he would like her to accompany Hector to the dinner, and balance things out. Adrianna is unsure about going to the dinner, but Antonio convinces her and she agrees to go because it is important to him and Gina.

Back at the mental hospital,

The doctor asks the nurse about John's reaction to his surroundings so far that day. The nurse says he looked at a fellow patient with his family, and then talked about Hector and Gina, and says he misses them. Dr. Alves says that is good because it shows that, he is regaining his brain's abilities to function normally. The doctor adds that John has been remembering Hector and Gina and after seeing the patient and his family, it made him relate that to his own need for a family which he demonstrates by his close attachment to Hector and Gina.

The nurse asks him, what he believes will happen to the patient as far as his memory and sanity go. Dr. Alves says that as far as John's sanity goes, he will regain it, and adds that he isn't so sure about his memory. Dr. Alves further adds that things would be easier, if they knew his family, as this would make it easier, to get him to remember who he is through various therapies.


Over lunch, Hector asks Adrianna, what she wanted to talk to Antonio about. Adrianna says that out of the blue, she had an idea to check Gisela and Hannibal Carrillo online then she found out that they are the twin's great grandparents. Hector's face, momentarily goes white, before he catches himself. Adrianna asks him if he is okay. He says he is. He says (to himself) that, that was close, but he needs to be more careful because Adrianna is extremely sharp and Antonio is just as intelligent.


Gina looks at Antonio and asks if he is okay. He says he is and says that his grandmother wants to meet her and Hector. Gina folds her hands and asks him why. Antonio says his grandmother wants to meet her and Hector who is her only living relative. Gina says she is unsure about it, because the few times she has, interacted with his grandmother, in the dinners and lunches since the first one, she has gotten the idea that his grandmother can't stand her and doesn't approve of them dating.

Antonio holds her hands and says that no one's opinion on their relationship should matter and that as long as his grandmother doesn't interfere, they should let her keep her opinions. Gina agrees because she knows that refusing will only make Claudia Diaz hate her more. She just has to smile and bear it. Antonio says he also asked Adrianna to come so that there is a balance with Hector. He squeezes her hand to reassure her. Gina asks him when the dinner is. He says that it will be the coming Friday night.

Later on, Claudia is at the club with some of her friends. She has a flashback to all her interactions with Gina. No doubt, the girl is very intelligent but she is from a questionable background. Who knew what kind of family she came from? She wanted Antonio to marry, someone who is from his own level, a person who is not only beautiful and well educated but from a good and respectable family.

Later, after visiting John, Gina, Hector and Aurelio go to Armando and Luisa's house. Gina is anxious about the dinner with Claudia; since she is sure Claudia disapproves of her dating Antonio. She needs Clara and Luisa's wisdom and strength to go through it all. The girls go for a walk outside and Gina tells Clara and Luisa about Claudia's call and her wanting to meet her and Hector.

Luisa tells her to set her boundaries, and not let Claudia put her down but still be respectful because, at the end of the day, she is still Antonio's family. Clara tells Gina not to pay Luisa too much attention because she is lucky to have such a good mother-in-law as her (Clara). Luisa and Gina both smile at Clara, she truly is the best. Luisa then tells Gina to be respectful but never to let Claudia mistreat or demean her.

Meanwhile, Helena has just learnt that Aranza and Aurelio are a couple. Mauricio had just confirmed it after the news spread around campus. As Aranza was from a prominent family and given the tragic story of her father, brother, and sister, her personal life was of interest. Helena is, of course, unhappy about the relationship, but she knows her daughter and decides to let it go. One must know which battles to fight and which to let go.

Thursday comes and goes and soon it is Friday. Gina has just woken up to get ready for the day. Antonio calls her. He asks her if they are going straight to his house after work. Gina says she and Hector have to visit John. Antonio knows that he won't win such an argument with Gina, because she and Hector have developed a close attachment to John. He says he understands her feeling sorry for John for what he has been through but they have done too much and he (Antonio) feels that she and Hector have become too emotionally attached to him. Gina says that they have to do it because they want him to recover as much as possible and to get back to living a normal life.

Antonio decides to let it go, for the time being, though, Gina's attachment to John bothers him. He knows John reminds her of her late father, and fears, that the fatherly affection she has for him could develop into love. Antonio, who is at the Montes De Alba mansion then goes to Adriana's room. She opens it. Adrianna watches Antonio sit on her bed. She asks him what is bothering him. Antonio tells her about his concerns about Gina's attachment to John.

Adrianna tells him, she is sure that Gina loves him, and if she is helping John it is because she has never gotten over her father's death, and helping John is part of her healing process. Antonio says as much as he loves Gina, he often wonders about the secrets she keeps. Like how, her father's death pains her more than her mother's, why she doesn't like talking about either of her parents and why she doesn't have any childhood pictures. Adrianna admits that she also wonders about Hector's secretiveness about his family history, but has never really brought up the issue.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now