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Give me a call,
I will be there, before you cut it.
Give me a message,
I will take it as a order.


"Where is it?" You searched you bag, the things are all on floor expect your moblie phone. You tried to remember where you put it. You fall on the bed soon, you came back. Didn't care about change. The day was exhausted, you just searched for your phone for morning checks.

You shocked, you remembered you leave your phone on couch beside bag, not inside the bag. You were distracted by hoseok. "My god.." you hit your head by your hands. How will can get it back? What if your mother called you?. You decided to give a call, you walked to neighbour's house, and knocked it.

They gave their phone to call. You dialed you own number. You don't remember their moblie number, it's just saved in moblie. You only remember your Father's and mother's other than yours. You heart beats because no one know who going to take it. After the five hell of rings, someone picked.

"Hello" the voice is rough and deep, it was namjoon's. His voice is like he just woke up.

"Hello, namjoon. I'm sorry but I forget my moblie in your apartment can you give it to Mr.kim then he can pass it to me" you asked him. He hummed.

"Is someone called me?" You asked but he cut the line before you complete the sentence. You looked at the screen then you give back to them. You bowed and came back your room.


You walked on the corridor, suddely Johan came and hugged you worriedly. "Oh my dear, I heared Jin hurt you and forced you to leave building. I thought he killed you and hide you body under bridge, I scared for your life. Why you didn't answer my calls?" Johan caressed your face. You whinced little. You covered the remaining brush with make up. Thanks to hoseok, it healed much, soon.

"No, he just wanted to treat and drop me at home" you said. Jin pulled Johan by his back of collar.

"Namjoon said, you can collect your mobile after work at apartment. He want to have word with you, we all." Jin said and walked away. You blinked, again? Apartment?. It's just three days you moved out from apartment but you going to visit secound time today.

"I'm sure, they planning to kill you. Don't go" you gulped at Johan.

"Pray for me" you both wallked in. The day was little boring. But, you are not in this world. You imagining different scenarios about today in your mind.

"You smell like marshmallow, did you had sex with someone." Ani sniffed your neck. You scared at her. She apologically smiled.

"No" you said.

"I smelled marshmallows on Mr.kim too sometimes, is the person one of them?. You made up with them?" She asked you curiously.

"What made you think like that? We didn't. I hope they won't kill me today" you smiled.

"Hey, don't lie. You smell really sweet today. Your mood is better actually. It's been a while" she teases you. You noticed secretly some hybrids laughed.

"Y/n you got call" Johan called you, thank God he saved you.

"Just for now y/n" Ani pinched you cheeks. It's relief, no one mentioned yesterday just they teasing you.

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