She put on ABBA and then Queen, and sang along the lyrics of her favorite songs. The open road calmed her nerves and she felt freedom for the first time since meeting the Malfoys. 

Three hours went by really fast and Rose was getting closer to Bristol. The sun that had shone so brightly when she started her journey was now gone and dark grey clouds had taken over. She didn't think too much of it but then a drop of rain hit the windscreen. In no time the sky opened and heavy rain started to fall down. 

While Rose loved to drive, she hated to do it when it rained. She didn't like how she could easily lost control of the car because of the weather and the situation didn't get any better when she heard distant rumbling and saw a flash appearing from the sky.

"Oh shit..." she muttered.

Rose was deadly afraid of thunder.

She knew she wasn't going to make it all the way to Bristol with the weather being so horrible and the fact that she might faint soon enough if the weather wasn't going to change. 

Without really thinking, Rose took a turn from the next intersection. Every time she heard the sound which made her so anxious, she flinched and got scared. She had no idea what she was doing or where she was going ― she didn't have a plan. Driving back to Cambridge was a big no and since it looked like the rain wasn't gong to stop any time soon, she needed a place to stay. 

She kept driving and driving, wondering what she should do and because of her phobia of thunders she couldn't think clearly. 

Then suddenly, Rose hit breaks of the car and stopped in front of tall iron gates she has seen several times before. She stared at the sight in front of her and cursed her stupid mind for driving there. 

Another loud rumble echoed to her ears and Rose yelped. She quickly turned off the car and stepped outside. Rain poured down and Rose got soaking wet within seconds. She wasn't sure what to do but when thunder scared her again, she pushed her thoughts aside and started to walk towards the manor. 

It was stupid of her and she wished that Draco would be the only one there ― he wasn't as awkward to face as Lucius and Narcissa.

She thought about all the things she could say to them and all the things she should not speak of ― her decision to name one. She wasn't sure what to expected when she reached the front doors and knocked.

Seconds felt like hours and Rose thought about just taking off. She could find another place.

"What the hell?" Draco opened the door and asked. "What are you doing here?"

Rose opened her mouth to answer him but instead she sneezed. 

"I see," Draco said. "Come."

"I-I won't be long. I just had to get away from the road. The thunder was..." 

Draco nodded as he remembered that Rose was afraid of thunder. He didn't quite understand this because he actually enjoyed the weather. He looked at his sister and noticed how her coat was dropping water on the floor.

"The fire's on," he said.

"Oh well I was thinking of just waiting here," Rose said and quickly glanced around the foyer. "Umm are they here?"

"Yeah," said Draco and rubbed the back of his neck when Rose's face paled. "I mean I could probably tell them not to come here but..."

Rose sighed. "It's fine. It's their home, they should be able to go about as they please. Besides, the rain should stop soon. I hope."

"Draco darling who was it?" Narcissa's voice echoed through the halls of the manor. 

Sound of heels clicking against the black marble floors approached Rose and Draco faster than either of them had expected. They could also hear another set of steps getting closer second by second and soon enough, two very confused adults stared at their surprise guest.

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