Chapter 12: It's Natalie's Turn

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A/N: Hey peers. After a bunch of chapters for Bruno, now it's Natalie's turn. Thanks to the readers. Bok!


"I need to leave Breanna." I said.

"Just for a second." Bruno replied.

Well, Bruno and I cannot talk if Breanna is with us.

After few minutes ..

"Where's Breanna?!"

"Don't worry. Phil will be taking care of her." He replied.

After that, we went to our favorite place BEFORE where no one can see us.

Sigh. I took a deep breath as we sat on the ground. Bruno looked around ..

"This place looks so old now, like a haunted house." He joked, grinning.

Ew. Corniest joke ever. But I smiled a little.

"Soooo, how's life for Mr. Mars?" I asked him, looking.

"Good, yeah good." He smiled at me as well.

To be honest, this moment is so AWKWARD.

"Uhm, Bruno .."

He's staring at me, looking directly to my eyes.

"You know, I'm so so sorry .. I'm really sorry. I know i'm the most stupid girl in this world because I hurt a Bruno Mars like you. Uhh!"

I'm out of my mind. 'm a crazy, stupid, selfish b*tch who just broke his heart. Tears just fell down in eyes.

"My life became miserable, and more miserable when I leaved you.  I really feel sorry for myself. Bruno please forgive me."

"Well that's the thing Natalie, why did you leave me?"

Bruno stood up and yelled,

"Now explain, why do you steal everything from me? I thought you really love me Natalie! I've should have known better!"

I keep on weeping. While he was supposed to ask that question, memories come back to my mind. That moment where we had a date, and on that night, I steal everything from him. I left him. I cover my ears ..

"Bruuunnnnooo!! I am so sorry. I'm asking for your forgiveness! Please stop shouting!"

And while I'm explaining my side, I saw Bruno's face, he's getting more emotional. I saw the tears felling down to his cheeks. He remained silent. He sit down. His hands were over his head.

This moment got more drama when Bruno punch the wall,

"I'm such a fool Natalie! You don't know how much I love you on that moment! Ugh!"

He's keep on punching the wall, until I saw his fists, bleeding.

I feel so much pain when I saw Bruno. But most of all, I feel GUILT. So much guilt. and so much guilt. I shouldn't hurt Bruno this way.

"Bruno please, stop this." I grab his fists, and hug him so tight.

I feel Bruno's presence. He's crying so loud. I really feel so much guilt for what I did.

Bruno push me.

"No Natalie, your words are not enough. Your --


His knees became so weak. He fell down to the ground.

"Bruno, a-are you okay?!?!"

Oh dear God! Should I call a doctor, emergency or somebody?! B-but, if I call for an emergency, there would be no chance for us to talk anymore.

He's groaning into pain from his chest. I had no choice, but to call for an emergency.

After few minutes, the ambulance came to our place. The nurses were so shocked for what they saw, it's Bruno Mars who collapsed. As we get inside to the ambulance, I talked to one of our nurses.

"Please, don/'t inform this to the media. Please?!"

"Yes Mam, but what happened to him?" The nurse asked.

"Uhh, we were talking, but I just saw him collapsed, he fell down."

What I said was "WE WERE TALKING:. I shouldn't tell the whole truth. Maybe he got so angry at me, so that's why this all happened. It's still all my fault. :(

I held Bruno's hand. I kinda like praying for his safety, praying for him to still hold on.

HOOOOOO. I stop crying. I look a bitch that way. While I was looking around the ambulance, I saw the nurses' facial expressions. They are all confused. And they were like "Is this Bruno Mars's girlfriend?!"

I wipe my tears. They will wondeer who I am in Bruno's life.

Few minutes passed, we're already inside the hospital. All the doctors and nurses were shocked because it's the Bruno Mars.

"We will be taking charge of this." The doctor said.

I sat down. I wonder if we didn't met today, this will not happen to him. Gosh, I'm so sorry.

While I'm waiting for some news, a couple of nurses passed by ..

"There will be a media here. Bruno Mars collapsed, what a shocking news."

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Media?! Oh no. Grrrrrrr! I better go, or else I will die! Bruno, this may not be the time but I'll promis to explain to you everything. Take care. :(

So, I left the hospital. Whoa. But I saw many cars parked in the parking area. Oops, that's media. Better run.

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