Chapter 11: The Kid in Houston ^^

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We got to tour the other day. Rehearse at the studio. Usual day for each and everyone of us.

"Oh yeah yeah

Oh yeah yeah yeah


Oh yeah yeah

Oh yeah yeah yeah


Never had much faith in love or miracles

Never wanna put my heart on deny

But swimming in your world is something spiritual

I'm gonna get every time you spank the night

Cause your sex takes me to paradise

Yeah your sex takes me to paradise

And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah

Cause you make me --


"You okay Bruno?!"

I nodded.

"I mean yeah, this is just a simple cough. Don't worry people."

"Well, let's continue." Phil uttered.

"Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven

For too --

"Oh God. I'm so sorry guys."

"Bruno, just tell us if we still need to rehearse for this, maybe you should take a rest or just seek a doctor."

The other members of the band agreed to what Phil said. I am so tired and exhausted. The past few days had been very stressful. Jessica is not yet texting me starting this morning. Well, okay fly!

"Uhh no guys. I can do this."

"Come on Bruniittoo from Mars, take a rest first."

"It's for my fans, so I'll do this for them, not for my own good."

They stareted to get their instruments and we jam out for the second time. What a  long day to rehearse.


Well, greetings to the world. Let's get ready to invade Houston! Fixing my stuffs, and finally can't wait to see my fans out there.


I see the place. Whew. Hooligans have been waiting for me.

We are all on the backstage. Phil looks very fresh. AWWW!

I was trying to stretch my arms and shoulders in the backstage, just to get warm-ups. You know.

And when we enter the stage, I saw my fans screaming, shouting, yelling (what else)


This is the start of my "Moonshine Jungle World Tour." Yieeehhaaa!

We started singing  "Locked Out Of Heaven", It feels so good cause they're also singing the lyrics. We also sing "Treasure", "Money Make Her Smile", "GORILLA", "When I Was Your Man", "Young Girls", "Moonshine", "If I Knew", "Show Me", and even 'Natalie". -_-

Well, it's for the sake of my Hooligans, they are my life, my everything.

After the whole performance, I thank them. I thank them for being there for me. Without my Hooligans,  I wouldn't be here standing infront of thousands of people , selling millions of records, and being #1 of the charts. Oh-my-gosh. So drama. (((:

what a great day in Houston. We were about to go backstage and take a rest, until ..

I heard a strange sound. A baby girl crying?! I ask the staff, what's going on.

"There's a baby girl crying out there. I guess she's looking for her mom or something?" The staff told me.

"So where's the baby?"

"There." The staff pointed out.

I run back from the backstage, to the front row seats of the place. I saw this very cute little girl crying, then I came closer to her.

I kneeled infront of her and asked, "What's wrong honey?"

"My mom, where's my mom?"

Awe. The baby girl touch my heart. She looks like an angel.

"We will going to look for her, is that okay?" I replied.

"No! I want my mom!"

Oh no. The little kid rolled her eyes at me. Whaaaaat?!

"Okay fine, but tell me first, what;s your name?" I asked.

"Hmm, I am Breanna. And your Bruno Mars right?!"

"Oh yeahyeah little kid, uhh I mean Breanna. So, how old are you?" I grin.

"Five. And you're 27 right?!"

"Oh shhshhhh! That's a secret my little Breanna, it's a S-E-C-R-E-T."

Awe. Ohem. She's so cute when she giggles. Damn it. She smiled at me. What an angellic face.

"Breanna?! Breanna?!"

Who's that? And so, I looked back.


Breanna hurriedly run to the girl. I looked twice, as she hugs her mom. My eyes got bigger, my jaw drops when  I see her.

NATALIE?! Oh dear God!

Natalie stared at me as well. She's also got that shocking expression.

"Come, baby let's go home." I heard what she said, to Breanna.

"No! Mom, look! I just found Bruno Mars!" Then, Breanna look and point me.

I'm stuck in that moment. Unbelievable!

"No! No!"

Natalie run for the SECOND TIME AROUND ..

but this time, she will never escape from me.

"Mom, that is Bruno Mars! Peter Gene Bayot Hernandez!" Breanna added.

Natalie paused. She's just staring at me. I look into her eyes.

I only take one step as I walk slowly. I know she's over. This game is over. There's no way for her to escape me.

My heart beats so fast. W-what should I say to her? I am so confused. I'm out of my mind. She got a daughter?! Whaaaaaaat?!

First, I took a very deep breath, and for that moment, I'm ready.

"Natalie please, I want to hear you." I said.

"He wants to talk to you Mom! How does it feel?" Breanna murmured to Natalie, grinning.

She bites her lips, and she rolls her eyes, she looks so nervous that way.

"Okay." She nodded.

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