The last straw

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The service and the buffet are finished and most of the guests are leaving, forcing Dean and Cass to shake hands with everyone again, much to both their distress. Cass would rather be anywhere else and Dean would rather finally be alone with him to 'celebrate the joys of matrimony' as the preacher put it. Just then, Sam re-emerges and pulls Cass aside with an exited look on his face. Dean shoots him a jealous frown, but when he re-assures his brother, that he's only giving the 'bride' some tips before leaving for his hotel, the 'groom' calms down and continues complimenting the guests outside.

"What's up Sam, where have you been?", Castiel demands, but Sam asks right away: "Can you give me one of your feathers?" Cass looks at him as though he just asked him to go drink the blood of a newborn, and retorts: "Did you sniff some weird herbs? What the heck Sam, no I will absolutely NOT give you a 'feather'! My wings are holy, they have been touched by God, they carry my grace, they..." "Yeah, yeah, I know, no touching the wings for fun, but this isn't some curiosity thing! It might be the key to getting Dean back to normal!", Sam gives back. Cass' hopes rise, but then he furrows his brows: "What do you mean, 'might'? This is serious, Sam, I can't just lay hands on my wings for a hunch! How... Why do you need a feather anyways?"

Sam lowers his voice as some people pass them and explains: "During the service I noticed, that the churches archives have been opened, so I went inside to take a look! There are some old books down there, believed to have been written by saints or witches or whatnot... There was one in particular that has spells in it that are awfully similar to those in Samantha's spell book! And it said, that all spells have a counter spell that can easily be created by mirroring the original spell, but exchanging the most important item for something opposite. The text went something along the lines of: 'Be the body alight, so must the counter be that of darkness, be it fire, so must there be cold, be it a precious gem, a useless clod of dirt be it, and be it the demonic, it must be that of the divine'! And the most important and difficult part of Samantha's potion was the horn of a demon! What would be more divine, more opposite of a demon's horn, than an angel's wings?"

Castiel is skeptical, but the young hunter's face is radiating an excitement that is so atypical for him, that he leans in: "Well... I can't pull out a feather and give it to you Sam! It would burn your soul. How did you want to add it to the potion anyways?" The young Winchester replies: "According to the spell book, the horn is simply added to the finished cocktail and dissolves by itself. Maybe Samantha just dipped it into the concoction and threw out the rest, cuz Dean certainly didn't have to chew on his beer, now did he? And we didn't find any leftover demon horn in her kitchen, so either she took the rest with her right away, or it dissolved. Anyways, I was busy brewing the same potion she made for Dean, all it is missing is the main ingredient! So if you're saying I can't touch the feather, it's okay, I left the potion in Dean's room. You can add it when you see fit and... I don't know... mix it with wine to get Dean to drink it! It may sound like a long shot, but I believe it just might work!" "Just might...", Cass muses darkly and Sam nearly yells: "Oh come on now, if legend be true you seraphs should have six fully feathered wings! And you can't afford to spend one measly feather? Don't angels ever molt?"

"I'm not a chicken Sam, we angels don't molt, no! And this isn't about a stupid feather! But what if this new concoction doesn't cure Dean? What if it turns him into a monster? What if it makes his condition worse? What if it burns him from the inside and he dies a painful death?", Castiel now shouts, glad that the hall is empty, but Sam snaps back just as harsh: "Well he's going down that path anyways, isn't he? Isn't he?? So what, if it happens a day or so sooner! Let's be real, all this acting has probably helped Dean stay strong, but the potion already changed him into a lovesick idiot who's set on humping you until he passes out! This isn't Dean, this isn't my brother anymore! You know it, I know it, the only one who doesn't know it is him. So yeah, maybe when he drinks an angel-cocktail he turns into a vampire and obliterates in the sun, or we have to kill him because he's become some other abomination, but the alternative is, he fucks you for a few days and then dies in your arms at best! Or he starts turning violent on you and you have to defend yourself by impaling him with your sword instead of your..."

Sam turns away embarrassed and Castiel also turned red from shame, when Dean arrives, inquiring: "All right, what's going on here? What's all the shouting about? I finally got rid of the spectators, and when I come to collect my family, you two are screaming at each other! Sam, are you giving my beau a hard time?" Sam gives Cass a last pressing look and states: "Well, we had a row, cuz I left something at the apartment and he wants me gone before you two head home. But okay, I said where it is, so if it annoys you, you know how to get rid of it! I wont bother you anymore, now it's up to you." And without a second thought, he turns around and just leaves them standing there.

Had Dean been himself, he would have been puzzled by this weird statement and demanded answers, but this way he simply smiles at Castiel and coos: "Oh. So you can't wait for it either? Nice of you to take care of Sam like that! I love him and all, but...", suddenly he scoops Cass up with his arms, making the angel screech in surprise, "I want to be alone with my cute, sexy, amazing, beautiful husband, and have the privacy to do as we please! Because I want to please you, on every level, in every room, at every volume, every way possible, any way you like it babe! And as promised, I'll take my time with you, start it off slow and smooth and then work my way up from there..." He's carrying Cass as though he's weightless and is walking towards the open portal leading outside, all the while looking deep into the older mans eyes. He keeps holding him, smiling, until he arrives at the Impala and let's him down, only to gallantly open the door for him. "Well? Get in honey!", he says, gesturing with his hand. The sun shines on his own plain silver ring, sending a beam into Castiel's eyes and making him squint. And that's when he decides, that Sam's right. 'I at least have to try. That's what I said I'll do. Even if it destroys me... or him.', he thinks and he can feel himself tearing up, but due to the light, and it being their 'happy day', Dean doesn't question it and simply shuts the door, once he is seated.


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