The final touch

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"How do I look?", Cass asks Sam. He is standing in front of a big mirror, dressed in a black suit, white shirt and dark blue bow tie. Sam looks him up and down and replies: "Like James Bond!" "Who's James Bond?", the angel queries puzzled. "Never mind. What's with the blue tie? I thought you and Dean agreed on this fancy 'happy angel' orchid for the corsage! Isn't it red? That won't match.", Sam teases. Cass blushes a bit and explains: "Well, yes, but I like blue ties and Dean said it matches my eyes! And anyways, you're supposed to wear something blue!" Sam snorts a laugh and digs deeper: "Um, did you consider that that's usually the brides job, wearing a blue garter? It's supposed to symbolize virginity and fidelity! Is that what you're going for?" Cass turns bright red and shyly turns back to the mirror, deflecting the attention from him by wondering: "How come you know stuff like that? I didn't think you'd be interested in wedding traditions!" But the younger Winchester clarifies: "Hey, my big brother asked me to be his wing man in organizing a romantic wedding for his 'winged man', of course I research stuff like that!"

Cass flinches at this remark, but tries to stay calm as he responds with: "And you think I'm the bride?" Sam looks at his shoes and quietly muses: "Sure. I mean... one of you would be... and Dean's certainly the man..." Just then the seraph looks at him, while absentmindedly fumbling with the bow tie: "But Dean said he wouldn't mind?!" "Well, yeah you kn-waaait a minute!", Sam stares at Cass in surprise, "You guys already talked about THAT?!?" "What? No! No, we didn't... Not explicitly, we... He just mentioned once, that he doesn't care about who holds... what... position.", he tries to make it sound incidental, but his nervous hands and deep blush tell Sam another story that the young hunter chooses not to follow up on.

Instead he interrogates: "Why are you dressing up anyways, I thought the wedding isn't until tomorrow? Or did Dean re-schedule it because he can't wait?" "Ha, don't give him any ideas! I swear, he is getting worse by the hour. Last night I had to hold him against my chest to hear my heartbeat, or else he wouldn't have been able to sleep! And even then he was still trembling.", Castiel reports. Sam is baffled: "You still have a normal heartbeat?... Hmmm. But what you're telling me doesn't sound good. Dean must really be getting desperate. Are you sure you wanna go through with this charade?" Cass, uncomfortable with the whole situation, decides to switch back to his normal attire. Once he's standing in his old coat again, he feels better and retorts: "Of course I have a heartbeat, Sam, why else would I bleed? And what do you mean 'Do I want to go through with it'? It helped Dean so far, so of course I'll be there for him."

Sam gives him a look of concern and explicates: "Yeah, but you are aware of what he's gonna be wanting to do, once you are 'on your honeymoon'? He already told me to go look for a hostel or something, so he can be alone with you! What are you gonna do then?" The angel snuffs: "I'll think of something." "Like what?", the young hunter demands. Castiel mumbles: "I don't know yet, something that will help him...", but Sam interjects: "How? I'm pretty sure we already did everything and he's getting worse, I don't think he can control himself much longer!"

Cass is getting angry and shouts: "Well what would you do?? Just run away and let him die? Or stay and be there for him, even if it means... doing..." He can't bring himself to finish, but Sam states: "Dude, I'm his brother!" "So what?", Castiel snaps back, "You love him, you don't want him to die, so don't tell me you wouldn't do anything possible to help him!" Sam considers this and suddenly envisions himself lying in bed with his brother, his longing eyes on him, his strong arm reaching for his naked body... He has to shake his head to rid himself of the image and nauseated answers: "Well... I would... try." "And that's what I'll do. Try. There's no more I can do.", Cass shuts off the argument and leaves.


"...And do you, Castiel Jones, take Dean Winchester to also be your husband, for worse, for better, forever, until the Lord calls you home, then answer with 'Hallelujah'!", the gospel preacher shouts through the nearly empty church. Sam tries to keep a straight face, as Cass calmly answers with his 'Hallelujah', making Dean tear up, along with some older residents from Green Garden, who came to witness the towns first gay wedding. To add business to glamour, the registrar had agreed to let them sign the certificates during the ceremony, so that everything could be done in one go. So both Dean and Cass now sign their names in the lower right hand corner of the paper, Castiel having to briefly pause before writing Castiel Winchester on the dotted line.

This time it feels like a kick to the stomach. When Dean had asked, what they should use as their future family name, Sam had played along and suggested, that he simply take on the hunters' name. At first Cass felt strange, as the name does carry so much heritage and meaning. But then, for a brief moment, both Dean and Castiel wore happy smiles when they thought of how that would make them even more of a family. But now it just hurts to read the lie that would never be true. "You may now kiss!", the preacher bellows, pulling the angel back to the reality at hand. He braces himself for a passionate assault. But Dean doesn't budge. He clearly waits for Cass to make the first move this time. All eyes are on him and he starts to become nervous. He knows he mustn't wait too long, lest he wants to upset Dean again, so he takes a step towards his 'husband', places his hands on his shoulders and, with a nervous smile, tries to lean towards him. But his own feelings and Dean's longing green eyes on him make his head swirl.

Suddenly he finds himself sitting on the floor. "He's alright folks, you can go back to your seats!", he hears Sam shout and looking up finds himself in Dean's arms, the hunter smiling down at him and whispering: "Baby you scared me! You have to take more care of yourself! I knew I shouldn't have let you skip breakfast. But... it's really cute of you to faint during the ceremony!" He helps him stand back up and plants a kiss on his cheek, never letting go of his hands. Just when Cass awkwardly grins at the onlooking guests, he hears Dean breathing in his ear: "Don't worry love, once we are alone, we'll have plenty of time to kiss. And I'll make sure, you only pass out from what comes afterwards, not before." This sends shivers down Castiel's spine and he is thankful that Dean is still holding him, or he might have dropped to the floor again.


After the service, they move to the church's guest hall to dine and shake hands with the townsfolk who helped prepare the wedding. Cass is quite uncomfortable with all the attention, even more, when Sam suddenly disappears and he is left alone to deal with the nosy observers and his newly-wedded husband. He escapes into a corner to hide behind one of the drapes covering an alcove, but even here he can't have five minutes of peace alone: Dean finds him, sneaks up on him and hugs him from behind. Then he whispers: "Hey babe, what's the matter, too much of a crowd? I get that, I'd rather be alone with you too. Have quite a few ideas, where I'd rather be with you. Can you guess what I'm thinking of?" "I don't have to guess," Cass gulps, "I can feel it!" Dean's hips are pressing against his backside, making his erection all too tactile. Dean smirks and cuddles even closer, to hush into his ear: "If we are quiet, we just might be able to... you know... I mean I never did it in public before! Could be exiting. What do you say?"

Cass immediately tenses up and swallows hard. He feels the blood rushing in his ears, making him dizzy again. So instead of simply telling his 'lover' no, or better 'hell no!', he babbles: "You don't have to ask me, I wouldn't know..." But this somehow has the intended effect of getting Dean literally of his back. Just to have him turn Castiel around to look at him with a puzzled expression. Then his eyes get big and he sharply inhales to ask: "Wait... I never thought of this, but... Cass, have you even had sex before?" The angel is dumbstruck by this inquiry and has to look at his feet when he mumbles: "Well, no. Not with this body... or any other for that matter. I know that my vessel has had sex before, but me... no I... I never did." He feels Dean's grip on his shoulders tighten and can hear him hold his breath. Did he say something wrong? He looks up and sees his friends eyes water!

Then he lets out a quiet laugh to prattle: "Oh my... you really did save up! You saved yourself and now you are willing to give yourself to me? Me?? Wow. Wow! That's... I don't know what to say... I hope I didn't scare you with all the things I said I wanted to do with you! I... I promise, I'll be gentle, love, I'll go easy on you!" Then he carefully pulls Cass into a soft embrace, petting his back and assures him: "I will be careful with you, my precious angel! And if there is something that scares or hurts you, you say right away and I'll stop, okay? I just want to pleasure your body best I can." Cass just hugs him back and nods. 'If I could tell you about what scares and hurts me, then none of this would be happening...', he thinks sadly. Just then they are discovered by the elderly librarian, who starts to catcall on them, alerting her friends from the choir and forcing them to come out, and listen to insufferable dumb jokes about married life.


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