Dean's romantic reaction

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Normally, angels don't sleep. But normally, they don't eat either. Or drink. Or act human at all. Being with the Winchester's for so long, Castiel had adopted more and more human behavior, human needs, and human feelings. The last being a burden he felt very strongly these last few days. It put a lot of stress on him. So, perhaps this is the reason that Cass finds himself actually waking up in the morning. It takes him some time to realize this, so he needs a moment longer to notice that Dean isn't at his side anymore. Confused, Cass gets up and looks around the room. Nothing unusual. He carefully makes his way to the door, listening to every sound he can make out. Then he opens it and steps out into the hall. Still nothing. The door to the bathroom is open, also empty. Feeling worry rise in his chest, Cass makes his way down the hall to the kitchen, where he hears the sound of cutlery.

Sam is sitting at the table, eating a bagel. When Cass enters, he looks up surprised and tries to see past him. Then he asks: "Where is Dean?" Cass replies: "I was about to ask you the same! When I woke up, he was gone!" Sam gets up, but then stops, puzzled: "Wait... you woke up? I thought angels didn't need sleep. You're supposed to be our watchdog!" "Forget it, I'm not playing fetch for you.", Cass gives back, walking past the young hunter to look out the window facing the front. "It's just an expression, because you are always... Hhhh, alright never mind. You're not gonna find him there, I've been here since half past eight, and now it's... almost ten. And I didn't hear or see either of you. I thought you guys were gonna sleep in.", Sam explains. Then he furrows his brow and after some thought asks exited: "Hey, does that mean he's back to normal? Did you find... I mean did something good happen?"

Castiel's heart aches as he remembers the previous night and he responds: "Not that I'm aware of, no." "Really?", Sam inquires, "It sounded like..." "Like what?", the angel swings around, tense. "Well, um, I just thought... Nothing, I guess I was wrong.", Sam backs up. He doesn't want to embarrass the other man by revealing that last night he had heard something that sounded like his brother moaning, and that he had hoped, whatever they were doing helped release Dean's tension. Instead he focuses on the current situation and suggests: "See here Castiel, it shouldn't be a problem for you to find out where he is, right? I mean, with your bond, you always knew where he was and if he needed you, so why not just check on him this way?" But to his astonishment the angel answers: "I'd rather not."

Sam inquires: "But why not? It should be easy enough." The angel answers evasive: "Usually I'd have to agree with you. But since this change in Dean's personality, it is... hard on me." The hunter eyes him bewildered: "How so?" Cass tries not to look at him as he confesses: "It's just... The bond I have with Dean pulls me close to him and lets me feel what he is feeling! But now, that is something very... painful for me. It's just wrong and irritating. And during the last week I was constantly near him, so I didn't have to use it, but it still started to affect me. So, I would like to wait a little before trying to find Dean that way, because it will... put me in his shoes. And that's very unpleasant for me right now!" Sam is impressed, but also sympathetic with the angels struggle, that seems to have battered him quite a lot.


The young Winchester is about to say something compassionate, when Dean suddenly appears, entering the flat through the main door. Both Sam and Cass look at him perplexed: He is wearing a dark, ironed shirt over his black jeans, his shoes are clean and shiny and he must have gotten a haircut. Even his hands look like he treated them to some care and he's carrying a big hand-tied bouquet. Smiling fondly he makes his way to Castiel. Then he hands him the flowers and coyly declaims: "Here love, I got these for you! I hope you like them. The big blue one is an angel trumpet and these little white ones are called angel wings!"

Cass is embarrassed by this considerable token of affection, so when he is handed the bouquet he quickly passes it on to Sam, mumbling: "Ah, Sam, find a vase for these please?" Sam accepts the flowers and lays them on the table to start checking the cupboards for a vase, or bowl, big enough to hold them. When he finally comes up with a pot, he notices a note laying between the stems. Meanwhile, Dean keeps standing close to the swamped Castiel and continues: "I didn't want to worry you, but after what you said to me last night, I just had to go out and get you this!" Sam, raising an eyebrow, turns to his brother, who pulls out a small box from his pocket. And goes down on one knee.

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