Dirty revelations

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"Please, just one tiny kiss, so I can fall asleep!", Dean begs. Cass is feeling more and more uncomfortable. This isn't how it's supposed to be. Bad enough that Dean can't stand to leave his side for more than a few seconds, forcing Cass to share the bed with him. But now he wants to make out. His hungry eyes keep creeping over the angel's entire body and he simply won't stop stroking some part of his attire with at least a finger, if not more. Be it the sleeves of his coat, his tie, or his collar. He even went over his belt. He had promised not to touch Cass' skin without permission, but his hands are just itching to dig into the angels flesh, feeling his texture, caressing him. And now this. It's really hard on Cass, because it is a demand he would only too happily supply, had Dean been himself. But who knows what he might remember after snapping out of the enchantment. Better not risk his friendship with such a childish dream. Although...

"Please sweety! I implore you, just one kiss! I really need it, please! I'm starving for you.", Dean pleads, his eyes big and shiny in the half darkened room. The way he looks at Cass makes him realize all the more, how he had been able to make so many girls' hearts melt. He sounds desperate and his hands are clinging to the hem of his coat again, rubbing hard over the leather. Cass knows he has to do something to end his friends agony, without giving in to his own unholy desires. So he proposes: "Okay D, how about a compromise? No kiss, but you can hold my hand. And do, you know, what you want with it." Dean's eyes light up instantly: "Anything?" Cass considers the thought and then says: "Yeah-yes. I mean, you're not gonna shove it down your pants, are you?" He tries a laugh, but Dean suddenly looks away, his face reddening. "A-are you?", Cass asks, suddenly alarmed. "Not if you don't want to, baby.", Dean gives back with a wicked smile.

Before Cass can respond to that, Dean has already grabbed his hand and presses it tight for a second. But then he starts to pet it, using his finger to trace the lines, rubbing over the back with his thumb, taking one of Cass' fingers between two of his own and stroking up and down. It relaxes him, he closes his eyes and hums a few content sounds. But the angel has to fight the urge to get involved himself. Who would have known that 'fingering someone's hand' could cause so much arousal? He has to really hold back in order to not start moaning himself, or returning the touch. 'It's all so unfair!', he thinks. At least, Dean finally falls asleep.


The next morning Sam meets Cass standing in front of the bathroom door. He greets him: "Hey Feathers. Dean finally let you go? Or why you standing here?" But Cass gives him a dirty look and snaps: "No, your brother just won't leave me alone! I had to use a lot of persuasion to explain to him that I'm not going into the shower with him! And that he should freshen up without me." Sam grins, but then his face is serious again. He carefully probes: "Okay, so did he... did he touch you last night?" "Yes he did! Couldn't get enough of it. It was really embarrassing!", Cass shoots back. Sam suddenly turns red and looks away: "Oh. Okay then. Uh... So did that help calm him down?" "Yes, he finally fell asleep right after that.", the angel explains annoyed. "Ha, well, he always does that.", Sam muses bashful. Cass looks puzzled and asks: "He falls asleep holding hands?"

Sam stares at him and then burst out laughing: "Oh, no. Not really. But okay, at least it helped!" Castiel can't see why this would be funny and starts thinking, until it finally hits him. He turns red himself now and stutters: "Oh... oh you thought we... NO! No, nothing happened! Nothing in that direction, no. N-How would you ever think, that I would just let him do that???" The younger Winchester raises an eyebrow and tries: "Well, you and Dean having such a strong bond and all, and you always willing to help him, no matter what, and what with his current condition..." "I'M NOT SCREWING YOUR BROTHER, SAM!!!", Castiel shouts angry.

Just then the door opens and a wet and naked Dean steps out, eyeing Sam with a disapproving look. "You again! Are you flirting with my man?", he wants to know. Sam nearly chokes on a laugh, while Cass' terrified face turns an even darker red. Dean then makes a move to hug the angel, dripping all over his clothes, while still staring at his bro. But Sam makes up an excuse: "No, actually Cass wanted me to tell him what your favorite color is! But I'm not sure anymore, is it still red?" This relaxes Dean and he looks at Cass fondly to reply: "No. It's blue. A sparkling, bright blue, like that of your beautiful eyes, my love." Castiel, still in shock over being held by his friends nude and dripping body, responds by saying: "Oh. Well thank you. You should get back to drying yourself off now, okay?" Dean nods, gives Cass a quick peck on the cheek, and returns to the bathroom.

Cass looks at Sam with skepticism and questions: "Favorite color?" "Well I had to say something! He is really possessive of you now that he wants to... I mean now he is under the spell.", Sam tries to make an escape, but is held back by Cass': "Wait, what did you want to say? What does he want?" Sam lets his eyes wander, leans against the wall and tries to sound casual: "Well, it's just that he is really in love with you. Really, REALLY in love... But you already know about that, so..." "Sam? Is there something you're not telling me?", Cass asks sharply. Sam looks at his feet and then, in a hushed voice, comes clean: "Okay look. The reason I asked if he touched you is, well, I did think you guys were doing... you know? That!" Cass just looks at him with a blank expression, forcing him to go on: "I tried to research the spell. And it is really a nasty one, one with very dark magic. And, well, when I first told you about it I left out one word. I was hoping it might not come to that, you being friends and... both being men..." "What. Are. You. Saying?", Cass demands.

"I didn't tell you that the potion isn't only supposed to make someone fall in love. It also enhances the sex drive!", Sam finally confesses, "It's supposed to turn the victim into a lovesick sex slave, not just some adoring admirer. And that part is just as bad as the constant need to please the one the victim follows. He wants to... pleasure you as much as he wants to make you happy. And not being able to do that will, probably, cause him as much stress as a rejection or separation" Cass had taken a step back, trying to steady himself against the wall. His face is as pale as a ghost and his voice trembles when he speaks: "You're kidding me! What... How am I supposed to... I can't do this! I have to leave!" But before he can continue, the young Winchester grabs his shoulders and shakes him: "No, don't go, it will kill him! We just have to figure out some way to convince Dean that he... doesn't need to pleasure you... that way. I'll find something, I simply need some time! Maybe we can use Samantha's spell book to reverse the effects of her potion. Until then you'll just have to be on your guard, I guess." And before Cass can ask him how he means that, Sam is gone, rushing back to the books.


Just then, Dean exits the bathroom once more. This time he is dry and has a towel wrapped around his hips. With a smile he walks towards Cass and chirps: "Well dear, how do you like me now? Clean shave, fresh body, smooth hair..." And with that he starts posing for Cass, running his hand through his hair, pumping his muscles, shaking his hips and winking at him. The angel suddenly feels very hot, his face turning red and his hands sweaty. To hide it he crosses his arms and says: "Yeah, well, that's nice Dean. You gonna get dressed any time soon?" The hunter makes a pout, but then swirls to embrace Cass and simply states: "It's such a shame you wouldn't shower with me! I know a few games for two we could have played under the tab!" Castiel is about to push Dean away, but then remembers he would only cause him stress and gain nothing, so he simply says: "I'm afraid of water."

This is BS and he knows that Dean would know that, but instead his friend looks at him pitiful and murmurs: "Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, no water. Well then...", he looks at him seductively, "How else would you like to have me?" Cass can feel himself turn hot and cold, and without thinking responds: "Uhm, right now I'd rather have breakfast!" Dean looks at him with surprise, but then says: "Okay love, I'll whip something up for you! But... in case you get hungry for something else... you can have me for breakfast any time!" And with that he plants another quick kiss on his friends cheek, before finally leaving to get dressed. Castiel is shaking and hopes to get a chance to calm down at last, but when he doesn't follow Dean to his room, he calls out for him: "Are you coming, honey?" With some effort Cass can convince him to dress himself without his assistance: "Just put on something clean and surprise me!", and ponders over what Sam had told him.


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