Dean pleasing Cass

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Both Sam and Cass are very surprised to find that Dean really meant to cook, when he said he would whip something up. They are even more surprised when he cleans up the kitchen afterwards. They are NOT surprised when most of Dean's creations taste rather bland, salty or burnt. When Dean sees Cass' reaction, he wants to cook something else right away, but Cass stops him, by flashing him a genuine smile and claiming it is alright to him. This makes Dean so happy, it almost hurts to watch.


And so Castiel continues to give Dean chores every time he flirts with him. It's strange, but a nice change in behavior and environment, since their living quarters improve. As does Dean's cooking. However, after the seventh day, Cass runs out of ideas on how to occupy his admirer. And at night Dean's attempts to cuddle become more and more pressing. He is now not just 'holding' hands with Cass. He'll insist on giving him massages, hugging at least twice before bed, and as for the touching... The fingering is very intense and more than once Dean pulls his friends hand up on his chest, pressing it against his rib cage so that he feels his heart beat.

He usually falls asleep after that, but in the seventh night he starts kissing the hand. And then, while looking deep into his eyes, he takes Cass' middle finger into his mouth and sucks on it. The angel opens his own mouth to scream, he wants to pull back his hand, but fails in both. So he feels the strange sensation surging through his body, as his friend caresses his finger with his tongue. Sadly, or rather luckily, Dean then falls asleep, still suckling on his mid-digit, while Castiel prays: 'God, this has to end!'

So on day eight Cass pressures Sam for a solution, but the Winchester responds with a report about some creature that's killing cattle in a village not far away. Feeling that this would at least bring some change and perhaps make Dean come back to his senses, the trio goes to hunt for the thing. They are successful in finding and terminating the beast, and Sam even finds clues that might lead them to Samantha again, but all efforts to bringing Dean back to his senses fail. He just can and will not understand, what dark curse has befallen him, and how life-threatening and debilitating his current condition is. Dean remains as head over heels for Castiel as a young teenager. The angle dreads the following night.


"Are you sure you're not feeling hot?", Dean tries for the seventh time. He has already stripped down to just his shirt and boxers, panting and sweating. He looks over to Castiel, but the angel stubbornly keeps his coat on. It IS a hot night, but he isn't taking any chances with Dean in his current state. He had started sweet talking to his honey ever since lunch, and it got worse by the hour. It's obvious what he wants, though thanks to Sam always being around, he has not made a move to come closer than appropriate. But now they are in bed together again, and it seems that hormones are raging havoc in Dean's muscular body.

The hunter didn't dare lay a hand on Cass as he had snapped at him during dinner for trying to stroke his leg with his foot under the table. But instead he now keeps running his hand through his own perfect hair, fumbling with his shirt and touching his broad chest as if by accident. Cass can hardly stand looking over to him. Dean isn't just trying to find relief, he's trying to seduce him. And it does tug at his heartstrings (and at some other parts of his body) to see him caress himself, while gazing at him with his deep, green, longing eyes. Finally, he takes off his shirt, uses it to wipe the sweat of his chest and forehead, and tosses it aside. His smell is so intense. Full of pheromones, a smell of lust and desire, of a hard days work, and a bit lavender from the new soap he uses. It drives Cass crazy. There is even a small trace of the forest air, from running around the shrubbery all day, searching and finding the beast creature that had been killing livestock.

Cass still can't fathom how brave Dean had suddenly been, attacking the beast with just a metal pole that was lying around on the ground, to save his 'man'. The angels arm still hurts from being tossed aside by the creature that tried clawing at his neck, before getting stabbed by the hunter. 'Like a knight in shining armor!', Cass thinks. "Cass?", he suddenly hears and winces back. He hasn't noticed Dean leaning towards him. „What is it?", he asks startled. "Baby, I can't sleep. I'm still too hot!", the other replies with puppy eyes. "And what do you want me to do about it?", Cass shoots back, regretting it immediately. The older Winchester's eyes light up and his mouth forms a devious smile. "Well...", he starts, "Maybe another small compromise?"

And then he leans down to speak under his breath: "I'm hot for you, babe! I'm really hard now, and I want to pleasure you so much! Please, I just... I'll do anything you want! Just say it and I'm yours. Please! Just... touch me. I want you soo much, I need it so, so much baby, please!" To his horror, Cass can see that he isn't lying: While talking, Dean has started to shake, his chest covered in goosebumps and his boxers are clearly bulging over his crotch. Dean keeps his position, panting in his ear, letting his fingers crawl towards the object of his desires, stopping mere millimeters before touching the hem of his coat. "You want me... to touch you?", Cass repeats shocked. "Ooohhh, yesss, yesss!", his friend rather moans than actually answers.

Cass' throat is suddenly to dry to swallow. This is too much, he can't stand it any longer. If the hunter asks again even once, he won't be able to resist anymore. But although this Dean would surely appreciate it if he followed his own impulse, the Dean he knows will definitely react hurt over such a misuse of trust, yes, he would probably be disgusted at his friend. He has to act fast... Castiel takes a deep breath and suggests: "Um, look, I... I can't do that. But I would let you touch yourself as a compromise! You can do, well, what you need to do, I won't judge you, it's okay. Is that alright with you?" His friend straightens up a little to look at him, considering his words. He then responds: "Will you watch me?" "What, no! No, I'll just sit here, I'll turn the other way and you can tell me, when you're finished!" And with that Castiel sits up to face away from his hot, horny, nearly naked beef-cake of a friend.

He hears him shuffle on the bed and a sigh: „Oh. Well, okay then." Then there are a series of quiet strokes and scrapes and Dean's muffled voice, making pleased noises. Cass can't resist and risks a quick look. Dean is laying back with his eyes closed and starts petting his chest, rubbing his nipples with his left hand, while his right wanders down towards his boxers, stroking over his abdomen on it's way. When Dean shoves his hand into his pants and lets out a loud moan, Cass turns away again, ashamed. To be sure he closes his eyes and covers his ears. Then he starts humming 'When the saints go marching in', to keep his thoughts occupied and drown out any possible sounds his friend might make. He feels the bed tremble and shake, when he is suddenly tapped on the shoulder.


Castiel flinches, but tries to sound casual as he asks: "Okay, you finished already? Are you feeling better?" But he hears a sniffle and when he turns to face Dean, he is in tears. Surprised, Cass reaches out to comfort the hunter and Dean flings himself into his arms, crying: "I'm sorry Castiel, I'm sorry! I don't want you to be disgusted by me, I'll stop, I'll... I'll learn to cope with this tension until you allow me to be with you! I don't want to upset you, I..." Cass can feel his hot body shiver in his arms, while his friend weeps and apologizes to no end. "No, no don't. You... I'm not disgusted by you! It's just I... I'm not ready to do anything like that with you yet, okay?", he's swimming here, but he has to say something to calm the hunter down. It works, and wet eyes meet his horrid gaze. "So, you want me too?", Dean asks sniffing. Cass can only nod. "But... when will you be ready?", his still shaking friend inquires. Cass feels helpless and so blurts out: "When we are married."

It's ridiculous, but if he'll believe him, at least it will buy him some time until Sam hopefully finds a remedy. Dean looks at him for a long time and the angel thinks he will call him out on the absurd remark. But then he smiles at him and fondly coos: "Wow Cass, I didn't know you were such a romantic! You really wanna save up for the honeymoon?" Castiel, seeing he has painted himself into a corner, goes along and explains: "Well, yeah. It... would be more... uhm, intense? If we wait, I mean." His face turns bright red. Dean on the other hand seems pleased by the idea and says: "Oh yes, it will be! Okay, I'll be a good boy and keep my pants on. But once we get the rings on, I'm gonna please you all night and all day, until you're so satisfied, that you're unable to walk! I'll give you everything and more!"

He puts a hand to the angels cheek. It seems cooler now, as if the fever has left his body. Then Dean cups his face with both hands, pulling him closer. Cass can't find the strength to resist, as Dean finally, finally leans in for a soft, almost shy kiss on his lips. Then he breaks it and hugs his friend instead. Not a moment too soon, as Cass realizes that all his self-control would have been blown out the window, had he waited a second longer. This way however, he can contain the moral high ground, lying down with Dean in his arms, holding him tight. The hunter is so overjoyed, chirping: "Oh babe. I'll make you happy, I promise. I can't wait to show you all my love for you!" Cass holds him tighter, making sure he won't see the tears forming in his eyes as he whispers: "Yeah. Neither can I."


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