I'm not? (Wilbur Soot)

Start from the beginning

"No problem. Just a sec." She grabs the scooper and begins scooping the ice-creams.

"Can I try some of yours? I've never had blueberry before." Tommy pulls on my arm.

"Sure, but you know the reason that is, is because you always go for the sweet ones." I shoot him a look.

"Because there the better ones!" He exclaims, folding his arms.

"Um, that'll be six pounds." The woman places the two ice-cream cups on the counter. I take my credit card out of my wallet and tap it on the scanner. "Have a nice day." The woman smiles when the transaction goes through, and I wish her well on our way out.

"Should we sit somewhere?" I ask once we're out of the shop and he nods. We wonder around until we find a not-so populated around and a bench. I place the bag down to the right of me as Toms is on the other side, eating away at his ice-cream, surprisingly making little mess.

"I'm taking it's good then?" I laugh as he nods aggressively. He places the ice-cream into his lap and reaches out for my own. I slap his hand away and he looks at me offendedly, I roll my eyes.

"I haven't even tried it yet, you little gremlin." I tease, and he watches me like a hawk as I taste mine, waiting for a review. "It's pretty good." I nod and he quickly goes to try it for himself. As his spoon with the blueberry ice-cream reaches his mouth, his face scrunches up in disgust.

"That's not good- that's fucking horrible. You're a liar, William Soot." He frowns, quickly covering up the taste of the blueberry with his own cotton candy.

"That's not even my real last name." I grin as he glares. "And you probably just dislike it because it's healthy."

It's really not because, well- it's ice-cream. Any ice-cream is full of sugar. So, what I really meant is that he hates the taste of healthy things.

"Haha very funny." He responds sarcastically with an eye roll, so I nudge him.

The next few minutes go by quickly, a few pointed remarks but mostly just ice-cream eating. Well, that's what happens for the world anyways. For me, all I can think about it Logan. Fucking Logan and his stupid words. What if he was right? Tommy wouldn't say anything, because as I said before, he's a people pleaser, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but he struggles a bit with being honest.

Maybe I should ask him. Give him a free passage to being completely honest, reassure him it's fine.

"Hey- uh, Tommy?" I start slowly


"Alright, uh... not sure how to start this actually." I laugh nervously but he waits patiently for me to figure out my words, even placing his ice- cream on the bench.

"It's nothing serious per say, but it's just been bothering me for a few hours. Uhm, when we were with Logan- you were sitting on the games of thrones chair- and he just kind of... said something? He said- well he said I've been doing a horrible job being your 'big brother', and I know that we aren't actually blood related or anything of the sort but, Tommy, I see you as my amazing bright little brother, yeah? And- and I don't know whether you see me the same- like as your older brother and I just need to know-"

"Will. Shut up. Stop talking shit." Tommy cuts me off and my heart sinks for a moment. I- did he just confirm what Logan said or-

"You're a great- no, fantastic older brother to me. I wouldn't swap you with anyone- not even with the gogmister himself. What Logan said was fuckin' shit. He's a prick. Like- who bought me the candy canes because he wouldn't and who just got me ice-cream to cheer me up? Certainly not Logan. It was you, ya dickhead. You are most certainly the best big brother ever."

Oh. Oh.

"I- thanks Toms. I- I really needed to hear that." I wipe my eyes with a sad laugh, instantly pulling Tommy into a hug and I'm not going to pull back until he does.

We stay in that position for a while before Tommy breaks it. "Oh shit. My ice-cream!" He exclaims with a slight laugh, bringing up his very melted ice cream into view. I laugh as he pouts jokingly.

"Wilby." He whines, looking up to me as innocently as he can.

"No." That fucker is not guilt-tripping me into getting him another ice-cream.

"But Wilby-" He begins.

"Don't Wilby me." I laugh and pulls out his bottom lip more.

"But Wilby," He pushes, "I can't eat melted ice-cream."

"Drink it then."

"I don't want to drink it." He complains, making himself look as sad as possible.

"Fuckin- fine." I groan, getting up and grabbing my own ice-cream from where I placed it on the bench, also very melted.

"YES!" He yells excitedly, getting looks from those around us.

"SORRY!" He yells at them just as loud- probably louder. I shake my head and laugh and so does he.

I wouldn't replace him either.
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