|William James Moriarty| Another Ordinary Day

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"It's those!" you pointed, making Louis turn around.

"Did you mean carrots?" he asked, and you nodded in reply.

"Y-Yes..." you shyly chuckled, scratching your cheek.

"Don't worry! I'll just take the lead," you reassured, grabbing his sleeve as you led him around the market for the ingredients.

"(Y/N)," a quiet voice called out, making you turn around and see Sebastian peeking his head by the kitchen door.

"What's for dinner?" he whispered, warily looking over Louis.

"Well, it's not stargazy pie..." you answered, making him sigh with relief.

Until he saw cod in the kitchen as he looked at you questioningly, "...it's ukha," you shyly ended, making him glare at you.


"Yes?" you quickly replied as you turned around, covering Sebastian as he retreated.

"Will you call William-nii-san from his office? Dinner is about finished," Louis called out, plating the soup.

"Coming!" you hollered, wiping your hands on your apron and rushing off to William's office.


"In here, love," you gently opened the door, seeing William scanning over the shelves.

You smiled as you rushed over to him, hugging him tightly.

"Dinner's almost ready," you reminded, relishing his company.

"All right," he smiled, running his hand across your hair.

"I hope Sebastian didn't give you a hard time?" he chuckled, hugging you back.

"Nothing I can't handle, lyubimyy," you grinned, snuggling against his chest, sighing in contentment.

"That's good to hear," he smiled, kissing the top of your head.

"Louis told me that you two were making something new?" he asked, making you nod.

"Yeah. Sebastian said he didn't want to have stargazy pie for dinner again, so I suggested making ukha! It's still seafood, but it's soup instead of pie, and-"

"-Uhm," James called out by the door, making you pull away.

"Sorry to disturb you and lyubimyy," he grinned, making your cheeks flare up, "But Louis is calling everyone for dinner,"

"We'll be right down," William smiled, making James walk off as he looked at you with a teasing smirk.

"Augh..." you groaned, covering your face in embarrassment as William chuckled.

"No need to be so shy, love..." he smiled, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles, "Let's go. I'm curious about what you prepared this evening,"

Dinner was a success.

Sebastian was a bit hesitant at first, but you managed to force persuade him to eat it.

Everyone enjoyed it! And you and Louis were thrilled that William even asked for seconds.

You hummed to yourself cheerfully as you washed the dishes, proud of yourself with how dinner went.


"In here!" you called, making William look over to you in the kitchen.

"You called?" you asked, drying your hands with a towel.

He only smiled as he circled his finger, telling you to turn around.

You did as he said and felt something cold hit your chest, making you look down.

It was a pendant necklace with an amethyst in the middle,

"I thought it would match your eyes," he reasoned as you turned to him.

"Thank you!" you smiled, going up to your toes as you kissed him chastely, admiring the pendant as you two walked up to your room.

"That reminds me, Albert said the three of us will be attending a party next week?"

"Yes, the host has been accused of numerous assaults but was never charged,"

"Really? Mr. Wilson, huh," you mumbled, remembering all the past encounters you've had with the man, "Is he the one that almost got bankrupt?"

"Correct. One of his workers came to me for help, saying he was abusing and blaming them for that,"

You sighed as your blood heated up at the thought.

"Don't blame a mirror for your ugly face," you mumbled, making William look at you curiously with an amused smile.

You looked back in confusion until you realized your mistake.

"Ah, must be a Russian one..."


Moriarty The Patriot x Reader IIWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu