Update from Camp: It Hasn't Combusted Yet

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We walk into Tick Tock Dinner. As soon as we enter, I see Michael sitting in the back corner booth, our booth. I grin at the familiarity of it despite my heart feeling a small twinge of sadness. I can't believe that it was less than a year ago that my former boyfriend, Lee Fletcher, and I had snuck out of camp for a date in this very restaurant. We had sat in the very same spot that Michael had sat down in. I stroll up to the booth like I owned the place (which technically isn't wrong). I slide into the booth next to Michael. Percy and Annabeth slide in on the other side.

"Hey, Michael," I greet.

"Hey guys," Michael greets. "I'm glad that I wasn't the only one running late. I had to drag Beckendorf out of the Hephaestus cabin, so that he go enjoy his date with Selena instead."

"Oh, that's sweet," I say. "Now spill. What's so important that has Beckendorf so anxious to miss his date?"

Michael sighs. "You know us too well."

"I am one of your guys' best friends, aren't I?" I ask.

"That you are," Michael mutters before addressing all of us again. "Camp has been bogged down. We've been busy training and preparing new campers as fast as we can before the upcoming war. Satyrs and children of Demeter have been trying to gather as much support as we can from nature spirits and other friendly monsters. My cabin has been trying to stockpile a bunch of medical supplies along with ambrosia and nectar. Cabin Nine has been hard at work building traps and new magical weapons with Tyson's help."

"Gods, sounds like I need to get back to camp soon to help out," I say. "First off, don't worry about the medical supplies. I can get my dad to cover those. Focus on the ambrosia, nectar, and training."

"Gods, showing off much?" Percy mutters.

"Watch it Barnacle Brain or you're gonna get kicked off the Stark family meal plan here and paying for yourself," I threaten.

Percy raises his hands in defense. Just then our usual brunette waitress comes by our table and passes out some water and menus. She gives us all a bright smile.

"Well if isn't some of our favorite customers," May says. "What can I get you guys to drink? Wait, let me guess, two black and white shakes for the girls, a blue cherry coke, and a sweet tea?"

"You know us so well, May," I smile at her. "Hey. How's your family?"

"They're wonderful. My nephew is going to be going into eighth grade next year," May says.

"Awesome, if he ever needs someone to shadow at Goode High School, let me know," Percy says. "It's a great school."

"Awe, that's so sweet Percy. Thank you," May says. "I'll put in your drink orders now while you look over the menu. Although, I have a feeling I already know what you guys are having."

We all say our thanks as May walks off. May has been working here for as long as I can remember. I remember when either Happy or Pepper would bring me here when I was particularly rowdy while dad was in a meeting. Happy found this place first and May had been our usual server back then too. This whole place had a calming effect on me even back then. I happy listening to my friends debate about the logic of Mjolnir. I occasionally pitch in my ideas every once in a while, but for the most part, enjoy listening to Percy's silly arguments.

"Alright, one sweet tea for Michael, one blue cherry coke for Percy, and two black and white milkshakes for the two lovely ladies," May says as she sets the drinks on the table. "Ready to order?"

"Um," I start. I look at my friends who all give either a slight shrug or a nod before saying a very tentative, "yes. I'll have my usual half-and-half cheeseburger with fries."

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