The Sass That Shook the World

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"So, Bree," dad starts. "Wanna tell me about this business about being expelled again?"

I tense up at the mention of it. I should have known that this would come up sooner or later. I just had been hoping it would have been later. I mean this is my ninth school in ten years. (Thankfully, the ninth school had only just about allowed me to graduate 8th grade although I'm not allowed to enter the school's grounds ever again.) You'd think I'd be able to stay in one school for more than a year by now. Sadly, it's a little more complicated than that.

"Those teachers were a bunch of assholes," I state. "They were constantly questioning my intelligence just because of my reputation and learning disabilities. In the end, I had enough of it and decided to stand up for myself."

"Oh, really? I heard you mouthed off to a teacher. What did you even say?" Dad sighs.

"Well, I had been apparently asking her too many questions and supposedly questioning her intelligence on the history of ancient Greek and Roman mythology," I start.

"Uh-huh," Dad presses. "What happened next?"

"Well, she then points at me with a ruler and says 'At the end of this ruler is an idiot,'" I continue, "and so obviously, I ask her, 'Oh, yeah? Which end might you be referring to, ma'am?'"

Dad bursts out laughing. He raises his fist for a fist bump which I gladly reciprocate. I smile when Dad throws his arm around me in a prideful side hug. With a small kiss on my temple and a whispered "Proud of you," a swell of joy fills my chest. I always love making dad laugh with my sarcastic and sassy remarks. Ms. Potts, Happy, and Uncle Rhodey all say I get my banter from dad, which is true. Mom is always more serious and refined. Although, I still respect her and look up to her for her wisdom and guidance. I've only really met her a few times. She's always too busy for any of her children, but I still feel her presence every once in a while when I need some guidance. Dad gets back to tinkering with his latest invention while I fiddle with the design for my ever-changing maze exercise.

"Sir, young mistress," JARVIS interrupts our focus.

"Yes, JARV?" Dad asks while I still fiddle with the minutiae of my design.

"The others are requesting your presence for dinner," The AI butler states.

"Alright, tell them we're on our way," Dad says.

"Very well, sir."

Dad nudges me until I finally look up at him. He smiles gently and gestures for me to follow him. I nod, but turn back to my laptop and mutter something like "in a few." I hear dad chuckle behind me. I barely have time to add anything before I feel my chair being dragged away from the desk. I'm quick to grab my laptop as Dad tries to drag me away from my work.

"Geez, kid, you're worse than me sometimes," Dad laughs. "Come on. Bring the laptop with you. You still work during dinner."

"Really?" I ask as I lean my head back to look up at him. Dad nods with a smile on his face as he ruffles my hair.

"Now, come on before I regret my decision," he playfully threatens.

I hop up and follow him to the main dining area. As we approach, I try to stay close behind Dad. For someone who has Tony Stark as a father, I loathe being the center of attention. Well, unless it's about me talking about my work, achievements, and ideas. Dad looks over his shoulder at me and gives me a reassuring smile. I smile back at him despite my nerves. When we enter, Dad pauses and clears his throat.

"Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make," Dad proclaims. "Tonight, I have decided to let you all in on a little secret I've been trying to protect for a little more than fifteen years now and have let only a handful of people in on over the years. As now most of you will now be living here at the tower from now on, I think it's time to tell you all this little secret as she will be around for a while now. Without further to do, I would like you all to meet my daughter, Bree Ann Stark."

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