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Chapter 12

No One's POV

Quackity quickly rushes down towards the office which was located two floors under, Wilbur and Slime followed behind him quickly.

Entering the elevator Quackity let out a sigh he didn't know he had trapped inside. They all stood beside the closed-up walls. Slime was right beside Quackity while Wilbur was facing them from the other wall standing in uncomfortable silence.

"Are you sure Sam is here?" Quackity asked looking at Slime as he nodded showing the note that he was taking.

"Yes, I received a message from Fundy that said that Sam was upfront paying wanting to see you."

"Ahh ok," Quackity answered with calm as Wilbur was looking down to the floor on the side. If you were to see him he looked uncomfortable.

"Er Quackity do you still need me here?" Wilbur had asked he was a little frightened when Quackity yelled.

"Probably, Sam is coming so he could have found out something."

"What's happening Quackity from Las Nevadas?" Quackity sighed at Slimes question

"We're going to try to incarcerate Karl's real murder."

The elevator had hit a ding and the three men got off it onto the main lobby of the building seeing a tall man with golden armor waiting for them. He had a crown and dark black eyes with green eyes in them.

"Sam! How are you" Quackity went up to shake hands with Sam "I'm doing well how about you?" They both shook hands as Wilbur and Slime waited behind. Wilbur was intimidated by Sam and didn't know why though.

"Could be better, what brings you to Las Nevadas?" Quackity then had signaled Sam to come over to the elevator, with the two men following behind him. Pressing button 2 Sam started talking.

"I heard about Karl, and wanted to know if you knew who it was"

Sam signed one last thing from Slime then looked to Quackity.

Quackity stayed quiet knowing the consequences of what would happen if he told Sam but it was tempting, was he going to?

Wilbur's POV:

When Sam had asked the question about Karl Quackity got a bit angered. "How would I know?' Quackity had remained calm for all I know but I doubt he really was. Sam then raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I heard you last argued with Sapnap and Karl." Quackity looks at Sam bit pissed if you ask me.
"And you think I killed Karl?! Just because I fought with him?" A silence stood between both of them. "I'd be a psycho if I did that" the elevator opened, and Quackity leaded everyone with me beside him that's when I decided to whisper to Quackity.

"You do know you could tell Sam about the guy?"

"I know Wilbur...What do you think I was going to do"

"So do you or do you know anything about the killer?"

"I know a thing or two."

"Their identity as well?"

"I might or might not yet they have threatened me to not say anything"

"Ahh, I see. Would you consider them watching you right now?"

Silence filled the office and Quackity looked around. Slime had left once they got off the elevator so if someone were to watch Slime would see it.

"I don't think so...If they were they would have killed me at this point"

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