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Chapter 9
(I love this song :D)

Bad's POV

I saw Quackity leaving Kinoko Kingdom with Spanap going opposite ways. Hearing it was surprising, I wonder how they legitimized El Rapids, especially with Dream. I flew over to Quakcity wanting to make conversation with him. As I flew I did see where SapNap went though I also saw Karl angered which wasn't common. I had shucked up to Quackity behind him.
"Quackity...What happened?"
"Bad! What the hell?! don't do that again I would have punched you"
"Sorry! But you seem mad. What's wrong?" I put on a pouting face desperately wanting to know.
"Don't act clueless Bad, I know you heard our conversation"
"Conversation? I wouldn't say that...Anyways would you be ok with me talking to Karl '' I smiled at the end figuring he wasn't putting attention to me which made things better.
"Why are you asking me? I don't give a fuck" My smile dropped with his use of words.
"Alright, then I'll see you later Quackity!" I waved at him while he paid no attention and continued walking. I stopped and grabbed my trident in my hands as I flew over Kinoko Kingdom trying to find Karl.
I slowed down and landed in a small safe spot beside the area SapNap and Karl were in.
"Here I'll get you something to drink so you can calm down okay?" I heard SapNaps words as I took this as an opportunity to talk with Karl.
As I saw SapNap leave I headed down.
"Karl, Hi!"
"Oh Bad, when did you get here" I started to hover a bit with the usage of my wings covering my trident.
"Just a few seconds ago, I saw Quackity walk out here mad, is everything okay?"
"No, I don't even know who he is and he murdered me!"
"Oh? For what?"
"He said something about legitimizing El Rapids." Karl rolled his eyes while I was a bit disgusted.
"Well then, did you agree?"
"SapNap says I did but I don't remember, I don't even recall knowing who Quackity is" Sapnap WASNT coming bask so I took this as a chance and slit it through.

"Then I guess Quackity is too mad to miss you"

As I slit the trident through, blood started coming out slowly from his stomach. I smiled in relief as to what I did and saw the look of horror on Karls's face as his last breath was heard. I took out the trident and left Karl with blood dripping out. I got out flying above some castles waiting for SapNap to see the horror on his face too.
I heard the screams and enjoyed it while it lasted as SapNap kept telling Karl to wake up. Though no response came. I left the scene and went back to where I saw Quackity. He was still walking but he seemed too mad so I let him be. I flew to the Prime Path leading towards the mansion as I walked to it.

Skeppy's POV:

Where the fuck is he?
I was pacing back and forth worrying about Bad, not about who would hurt him if not who HE would hurt. I sat down with my leg bouncing as I heard the door open. Bad was about to speak before I butted in.
"Where the fuck have you been?" He smiled at me and started to snicker.
"Was someone worried about me?" He stopped laughing and smiled at me.
"No" I turned my head away noticing something on the floor. He walked towards me and spoke;
"Have you made your choice yet?" I stopped. I hadn't made a choice on it yet and I already told Bad that I needed time but that seems to have split up. I hesitated speaking but I found my words.
"No...I haven't made it yet" I looked down as Bad seemed to worry,
"Hey if you need time I can give you time! I just need a response that's all"
'...ok," I mumbled under my breath.
"Are you able to make a choice?"
"I'm Not sure"
"Look If you can't or don't want to do it it's fine, I'll find someone or just go by myself"
I got angered, not because of him still murdering if not, of the thought of someone else working WITH him.
"Who would work with you?" Bad stayed quiet and got close to my face.
"I was thinking about Quackity since he's the only other person who knows." I looked at him and how close he was which made me nervous. "What if I joined?"
He smiled and backed up. "I would be happy because not only do I have to fear you telling people but I get to work with my best friend!" I smiled and looked down again
"Ok, I'll tell you tomorrow now I wanna know why is there fucking blood on the floor, WHO THE FUCK DID YOU KILL?" Bad then puts his hand over my mouth.
"Shhh... there are still people around" he grabs his trident and sets it in a water area we had and washed off what seemed to be dried-up blood.
"Who did you kill Bad"
"Well I went to visit Kinoko Kingdom and saw Quackity and Karl arguing while SapNap was trying to calm them down so once Quackity left and Karl was alone I killed him" he smiled at me, but I still couldn't find how he could smile all about murder. I got up and gave Bad some soap for the trident, he nodded as thanks.
"Please, I am begging you to stop smiling when you talk about murder it kills me" Bad started to laugh and shined a small smile at me.
"Sorry, Skeppy! I'll try to stop!"
"Good' he then started to laugh, I laughed awkwardly not sure about him killing Karl.
Moments later it was dawn and Bad went out to buy some stuff, so I was alone. I was sitting on my bed looking at my phone as I waited for a message from Bad. What still haunts me is the decision that I made to join him. If I join him I would have an advantage over people and Bad would be ok but on the other hand, if I don't I get killed and he would work with Quackity. I was so frustrated. It had been just like the last time I thought about it. I was getting tired so I slept on it making my choice finally.

Don't kill me for this...

Hello! Sorry for not posting for two-three days!! I had some work and forgot abt updating which I greatly apologize for! Anyways what do you guys think Skeppy chose? After a few chapter updates might be slow since I'm only up to chapter 12! So readers! You might have to be patient!

Anyways I love you guys and have a great week! ^^

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