Final Wishes (Marlow x Hitch)

Start from the beginning

I hope you understand why I joined the Survey Corps. After the MPs were so heavily involved in trying to maintain the false government, I just couldn't put on the badge anymore and have any sense of self respect. After Erwin was exonerated, I finally understood why people put on the wings of freedom. It feels like they were the only ones who were trying to do something to help humanity move forward, maybe live in a Titan free world, have a life beyond the walls. I also joined because I wanted that life for you. I wanted there to be a day where you could live free, with out any barricades. I know you always wanted to just get on a horse and just ride, see what's out there. So I guess I joined for the both of us. I just hope now my sacrifice made a difference.

Hitch, you were one of my first friends in the cadet corps. To be honest I thought you were a bit stuck up at first l, but when I had that accident during a training exercise you were one of the first to come to my aid, and came and saw me for the few days I was in the infirmary. I was thrilled that we both scored in the top 10 of our class, and we were able to go to the MPS together. I thought about telling you then, but I thought, we've got time, and beside what would a girl like you want with a goofy looking guy like me. I really enjoyed our time in the MPs together. I will miss our evening walks through town after dinner, our long talks about the future, about possible promotions, etc. I can't tell you how many times I want to hold your hand. Tell you how pretty you looked or how nice your perfume smelled. But again I was too scared, and thought we had plenty of time.

I remember one night, we had spent the evening talking on a bench by the river. You were sitting so close to me, I was frightened that you would hear my heart pounding. We were looking at the stars, trying to figure out how far away they were. It was then, we looked into each other's eyes, and I swear I saw the stars in your eyes, and I wanted to kiss you. But I thought you might throw me in the river. Now I wish I had, just so I could have know what it would have been like to kiss such an amazing girl.

That's the funny thing about time is that we think we have all the time in the world, when in reality we really don't have much of it here.

I want to say thank you as well for saving me that day, when you thought Jean was going to shoot us. No offense to Jean but it was nice seeing him take a piece of wood up side the head. I think then was when I actually knew what my true feelings for you were. I've never had someone care about me as much as you did.

Hitch, I love you. I love you so much, and it's hard to truly express it here knowing that I'm no longer with you. As I write this I wish there were so many things I had done differently. I wish I had told you sooner, I wish I had held your hand, I wish I had kissed you that night. Thank you for being such an amazing person in my life, thank you for letting get close to you, and I will forever cherish the bond we shared, no matter what awaits in the afterlife for me.

My wish for you Hitch, is for you to keep living. I hope you are able to still find joy in life, and laughter. I hope you find someone who can see the stars in your eyes as I did, you get to wear a beautiful white dress, have a family, and that you are able to have a future outside the walls, free of titans. Just know that I will always be watching over you, just look at the stars and I will be among them.

I'm sorry if this wasn't very well organized but again it's hard to imagine your own death. I hope you never read this. I hope I can tell you these things in person, when I return from Shiganshina.

I will always love you Hitch Dreyse, I just wished I had told you sooner.

Love Always,


"I will always love you Hitch Dreyse". She read those words and could hear Marlow's voice clear as day in her head.

Hitch felt as if she was being buried in an avalanche of emotions, sadness, regret, anger....she needed to get some air.

She wiped the tears from her eyes, put on her shoes and headed out the door.


By the time she made it to the bench by the river, the sun had gone down and the first of the stars were starting to shine. Hitch sat on the bench and re-read the letter again and again. Realizing that her and Marlow really had felt the same way, and that the promise of ample time made fools of them both. So many what ifs ran through Hitch's mind, but she knew they didn't mean anything at this point. Marlow was gone, dead and buried. She would never get to hear those words from him, nor express her love either. The isolation she felt was crushing.

Suddenly she felt a warm evening breeze blow through her hair, almost like someone was trying to whisper to her.

She heard Marlow's voice again, "I will always love you Hitch Dreyse"

Hitch, with tears in her eyes looked to the emerging stars in the inky sky. 

"I will always love you too, Marlow Freudenberg"


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