An Unexpected Delivery (Eren x Mikasa)

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"Oh for f*ck sake!" Mikasa cried out.

They were locked into major traffic. "Must be an accident", Eren said. "Usually this road is pretty clear around this time of night".

"Oh god Eeerrrennn!!!, Mikasa said as another contraction hit.

Something wasn't right. She felt like pushing, but it's too early, this wasn't part of the plan.

"Eren....Eren pull over, I-I-think the baby is coming"

"Well yeah that's why we're going to the hospital"

"Eren!!!! I mean like now!!!"

Eren pulled the car over, "tell her to wait then or I don't know push her back in"

"Eren!!!! It doesn't work like that. I can't just push her back in", Mikasa snapped incredibly irritated and in pain.

Eren got his phone out and called the one person who he thought could help them.

****The Hoover Home******

Annie was in sitting on the couch, watching Chopped, wondering if the food truck chef was going to get his risotto done in time to plate.

Her fiancé was in the shower, after a long day in the hospital working. He was in his first year as an intern, and was working in emergency medicine.

Annie's immense interested in the risotto was interrupted by Bertholdt's phone ringing. She ignored the call. It rang again, she ignore the call. Finally after the third call Annie answered concerned that there might be a legit emergency.

"Eren? Is everything ok?"


"Eren calm down what's going on? Is Mikasa ok? Are you ok?"

Annie heard Mikasa cry out in the background. She must be in labor.


"Well Eren take her to the hospital", Annie rolled her eyes, "idiot" she thought to herself.

"We can't we are on the side of the rode, major traffic on highway 85."

"Oh sh*t", Annie said not meaning to let that slip out.

"Hold on I'll go get Bert".

Annie raced to their bedroom and starting banging on the bathroom door. "Bert!! BERT!! Eren needs you on the phone, Mikasa's in labor and they are stuck in traffic"

The door to the bathroom flew open, and a nude Bertholdt stood at the door, still covered in bubbles.

"Put me on speaker"

"Eren it's Bertholdt, so tell me what is happening"

"Mikasa says the baby is coming like she can feel it coming and that she really needs to push."

"Have you called EMS"

"No I called you", Eren said.

Bertholdt couldn't help but face palm.

"Eren get Mikasa's phone and call EMS you moron"

Bertholdt listen while Eren phoned 911 and Annie got him a towel.

They both went back into there living room and muted the TV. This was way more excited that some guy's risotto getting cooked on time.

"Bertholdt due to the wreck up ahead they don't know when they will get here, are you sure I can't just push the baby back in?"

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