Bonding Trip 2: Truth or Dare

Start from the beginning

"It's not your fault." I interrupted before running away from the group and heading to the forest.

Sasuke's POV

'I can't believe he had such a big secret!' I thought as I ran after him.

I was worried about him and the more I ran, I became even more worried.

I finally caught up to Naruto. He was standing in a clearing in the forest with puffy eyes and it made me wonder, what more could he be hiding?

His head turned to face mine and before he could say or do anything, my lips pressed against his.

I was worried he wouldn't kiss back and it would ruin our friendship but luckily, he did after he realised what I did.

We separated our lips and I asked, "Are you okay?"

"Y- yeah..." he replied with his head facing the ground.

"Are you sure? You don't look like it."

"Yes, I'm sure, but..."

"But what?"

"But... don't you hate me? For being a demon?"

"You're not a Demon so why should I hate you?"


"We should go back, the others would be worried." I said to avoid the topic.

He nodded as I grabbed his hand and lead him back to camp.

By now, all the Genins and Jonins went to bed besides Kakashi.

"Naruto! Are you okay?" He asks worryingly.

"Yeah." He says while looking down.

"Sorry." He suddenly speaks.

"For what?" Kakashi said.

"For running off, I was overeating."

"It's fine, don't worry about it!"

He nodded and Kakashi-sensei said, "You two should head to bed, I'm sure you're tired."

We both agreed but before we could go, he says, "Oh! I almost forgot,"

He didn't say anything after that, he just pointed at our hands while eye-smiling.

Me and Naruto just realised we've been holding hands since I kissed him!

Our hands quickly fumbled appart and we went inside our tent while blushing.


Naruto's POV

I woke up to see Sasuke beside me. His black hair and pale skin making me blush a little.

His onyx eyes slowly opened and we made eye contact.

'Shoot!' I shouted in my mind.

Sasuke smiled and kissed my forehead gently as I dug my face into my blanket out of embarrassment.

"Cute." He mumbled.

He sat up and stretched his arms. Then, he poked his head out of the tent.

"The others are up, we should do the same." He suggests.

I sighed. My voice was muffled because of the blanket as I said, "Okay."

We stepped out of the tent and I was ready for all the questions that was coming.

"Naruto, are you okay?" Sakura came up to me.

'Why does everyone ask this question first?' I thought.


"Just to confirm, you are the kyuubi jinchuriki and almost every year, you get beat up." Tenten says.

I nodded because I didn't feel like speaking. I hate this subject, I wish we could talk about something else.

Kurenai unknowingly granted my wish by saying, "We should start packing, we'll get to Suna today if we start moving."

"Everyone agreed and headed towards their tent to take it down.

Me and Sasuke started by taking everything in our tent outside. Then, we took our tent down.

It didn't take us long so we were ready by noon, including the other Genins and Jonins.

"Let's go, my youthful Genins!" Gai shouted enthusiastically.

"Yes, Gai-sensei!" Lee, who looked like the younger version of Gai answered.

'I have a bad feeling about this...' I thought as we continued our journey to Suna.

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