Chapter 2: Academy Brats

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The classroom was filled with loud chatters. Fangirls admiring their 'Sasuke-kun' with hearts popping out of their eyes, a dog barking at who-knows-what with his owner, and a bubblegum-coloured hair banshee screeching at the top of her lungs at a girl with blond hair tied up into a ponytail.

The only quiet kids were Aburame Shino, who was playing with his insects, Hyuuga Hinata who was too shy to even look away from her fidgeting fingers, Uchiha Sasuke and a sleeping Nara shikamaru.

Today was the first day of the ninja academy. Clan members such as: the Nara's, Hyuuga's, Akamichi's, Inuzuka's, Yamanaka's, Aburame's, and the last of the Uchiha clan came to teach their future clan heads how to be a shinobi.

The door slid open to reveal a blond 8 year old with a goofy smile plastered on his face.

Flashback no jutsu

"Oh, Naruto, I forgot something." The third Hokage said.

"What is it?" A now calmed Anbu asked.

He sighed before answering the question, "You'll need to act stupid."

"...Rather blunt if you ask me." Naruto glared.

"Sorry Naruto, but you'll need to be the dead-last of the class so it won't be suspicious when you're put in the same team as Sasuke."

'Makes sense...' Naruto thought.


'And you said I was blunt" the Hokage thought, dumbfounded.

"Please!" He begged.

"...fine!" His eyes twitched in annoyance. "But after the genin exams, I'm dropping the act."

"Deal." The Hokage sounded relieved and sent the boy away.

Flashback no jutsu, kai!

The overly-happy Uzumaki skipped his way into the chaotic classroom, finding a seat next to the Uchiha.

Naruto's POV

'So this is the brat I'm supposed to be babysitting." I thought.

'I really think I should be doing more important missions, right Kurama?'

The old fox grunted in response, wanting to get back to sleep.

'You're always tired, fluff-ball.'


Our sensei came in, and well... he was shocked on how much noise 25 8 year olds can make, and honestly, I don't blame him. Those academy brats are going to get killed one day if they don't shut up.

"QUIET!" A chunin with short brown hair tied into a ponytail shouted, using his Big Head Jutsu while doing so.

The class immediately went quiet, realising their sensei was finally here.

"Hello everyone! Call me Iruka-sensei, I'll be teaching you for the next four years."

He gave us an introduction on what we'll be learning and doing over the four years. I didn't bother to listen since I'll know everything they'll be teaching. Of course I would, I'm an anbu after all.


It's been three years since I've been assigned to this troublesome mission and I've regretted it ever since. I mean— how could I not? This mission was simply annoying. I had to spend 7 hours in a room acting as an idiot with two loud-ass mutts, a class full of screeching fangirls, and an Uchiha with hair shaped as a duck's ass!

I woke up from an orange oversized fox from the deepest part of my mind shouting at me for being lazy and not waking up on time.

"Wake up kit! You'll be late, you idiot!"

'Yes, yes, I know Kurama,' I sat up groggily.

"You better!" He huffed.

I got up from bed, stretching. I was a little tired from the mission last night.

I put on my hideous kill-me orange jumpsuit that had a big Uzumaki swirl on the back and two smaller ones on the shoulders.

After opening the door, I left my tiny appartement that was filled with spray painted words kindly left by villagers wanting to give me a visit.

When I arrived at the academy in a matter of seconds thanks to a shushin, I walked down the familier hallways I went through every weekday and stopped at the door I despised entering.

After sliding the door to the side, I walked in, wearing my usual kill-me orange jumpsuit and a goofy smile plastered on my face.

Sitting in my usual spot next to the broody emo, I put my hands on the desk and rested my face on top to try to catch up on some well-deserved sleep.

A little later, I woke up. Again. But instead of a thousand year old fox, it was a textbook hitting my head.

"Ow!" I cried.

"Don't sleep In class, Naruto!" An angry Iruka scolded.

"Sorry Iruka-sensei!" I apologised sheepishly by rubbing my hand behind my neck before feeling my anbu tattoo that was covered by my long sleeved jumper heat up. Knowing what this means, I quickly made an excuse to leave the very classroom that was now snickering at me, some even laughing.

"Uhm... Iruka-sensei?"


"I need to go to the toilet."

"Class is almost done. You can wait."

"No! I really need to go!" I started moving my legs around to show I was desperate.

Now, the snickers turned into laughter and the people already laughing was trying to catch their breath.

"Fine. Just be quick" Iruka sighed.

"Thanks!" I said before running to the hallways as fast as possible so I won't keep the Hokage waiting.


I finally arrived to the Hokage's office, kneeling before him wearing my Anbu attire and mask to receive my mission.

"Sorry to keep you away from your charge, Kitsune, but I have an important task for you." The old man said.

"No worries, Hokage-sama." I said, now in a monotone voice.

He nods. "Your mission is..."

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