"Nick- Nick. You'll be okay. I'm coming now, don't worry." Clay calmly reassures.

"Yeah- okay- okay." I reply anxiously.

It's only a matter of seconds before Clay enters the room with a shoe, tissue box and bug spray in hand.

"Alright- umm." He starts, probably thinking of a plan of action. "So, you can't find the spider, yeah?"

"No, can't find it anywhere." I confirm.

"Right- okay. I'm going to get you to come out of the room." He explains, taking a step in slowly.

I really don't want to do that. I don't want to get down from the chair. What if the spider comes out once I'm on the floor? I don't want to die. I don't want to get poisoned from the bloody thing.

"Nick- Nick, calm down. Stop panicking." Clay reassures, now right in front of me and grabbing my hand.

I nod and take a deep breath. "Yep- okay." I reply, ready to let my feet touch the carpet.

"Wait- I'm still live." I remember, turning to look at the monitor where chat's trying to guess what's happening.

"It's fine. I'll turn it off once you're out." He responds softly, helping down off the chair.

As soon as I reach the ground I want to run. Run the fuck out of here. But I can't. My legs feel like jelly and are all shaky along with the rest of my body. Clay seems to realize this when I don't move with him. With no seconds to waste, he picks me up, which I have to admit, isn't really hard, and carries me out of the room and into the hallway.

"I'm going to go find it and spray your office with heaps of bug spray, so I don't suggest going in there anytime soon after this. Um, do you want to head down to the living room, and I'll meet you there soon?" He suggests, crouching down to my height which I usually hate, but this time it's comforting.

"Yeah, okay." I mumble and watch as he goes back into the room before heading down the stairs.

As I wait for Clay, I head to the kitchen and get a cold coke, opening it on the kitchen counter and also finding my phone there as well. Panic has somewhat left my body, I'm now just a little sweaty and jittery. I found my ability to walk again when Clay got me out of the office, which I'm definitely not going back into for a long while.

I sit onto the couch with my phone stuffed in my pant pocket and my coke in hand. I take a few sips of the coke before placing it on the coaster on the coffee table. I throw my cap to the ground and lie back on the couch with my hands in my hair. Well, this day went to shit quickly.

I stay like that on the couch for another five minutes until I hear thuds coming down the stairs. I instantly sit up and wait for Clay to either give me good or bad news. When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he has the shoe he brought in before in one hand, and a bunch of tissues all scrunched up in the other.

He meets my eyes and smiles, "All gone. I left the spray in your room for future cases, but it's all gone."

I sigh in relief and slouch back into the couch. Clay goes into the kitchen and throws both the shoe and tissues into it.

"You just threw away the shoe, why?" I ask confusedly.

"You," he shivers, "don't want to know."

"Right." I respond with a slight chuckle.

"How are you feeling?"

"Bit better. Still a bit jittery though." I show him my shaking hand as an example when he plops onto the couch next to me.

"I bet. Um, I ended your stream, but the chat was going crazy with mostly concern." He says and I groan.

"I'm gonna have to tell them something, aren't I?"

"Probably. I mean- you don't have to, but they'll probably start making up some dumb shit if you don't." He points us and it sucks because I know it's true. Someone would start a stupid rumour about what happened that completely isn't true, and it would escalate from there.

"Yeah, okay. Pass me your phone." I hold a hand out expectantly. He rolls his eyes but passes me his phone anyways.

I unlock his phone with the password and head straight to twitter.

dream @dreamwastaken
Sorry for ending stream so abruptly but there was this massive spider on the floor and if you didn't know I have a massive fear of spiders. Anyways I'll do a make up stream in a few days when the bug spray has been cleared out of my office SEE YOU THEN

I send the tweet after proof-reading it and hand the phone back to Clay to which he raises a brow.

"Really? On my account? Your account is literally saved on my twitter, you could've just accessed it!" He exclaims, chucking his phone onto the coffee table as I laugh.

"Could've is the keyword there."
Hi! Hope you enjoyed! Please leave requests if you have one and I hope you have a good day/night.

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