I'm the girl from boarding school

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Alexa's pov

There's something I've been keeping from Ben, it's something that happened in the past that he still doesn't know about. My parents sent me to boarding school and there was this boy who had crush on me but once everyone started telling me he liked me I just thought of him as a nobody and I am so sorry for all of that and I wish I could take back all of it! 

That boy that who I made feel like nothing is Ben, I feel so sorry that I did that but I didn't know it was him since I barely knew who he was. I am a nice person but I guess it felt awkward that a boy liked me and so I shut him out and made him feel like he was nothing, I never meant to make him feel like that and now I need to say I'm sorry.


He came into the bedroom and he sat down onto the bed with me and I said "I'm sorry"

He said "Sorry for what?"

I said "There's something you don't know about and I've kept this from you for a long time"

He said "What is it"

I said "I'm the girl from boarding school"

He said "What do you mean?"

I said "Ben, I'm sorry for everything that happened that day! You had a crush on me and I had a small crush on you too and I am sorry for letting it go to my head, I never wanted to make you feel like nothing, I just was a teen back then and I didn't know how to react because I guess it felt too awkward to me knowing that you liked me too. I also guessed that I was too ugly for you and that you would never be mine. Ben I am so so so sorry and I understand if you want to be mad at me or divorce me, I probably deserve it!"

I couldn't hold it in anymore and all of my tears started streaming down my face. 

He said "I don't want to divorce you, and it's okay I promise and I never thought you were ugly"

He then hugs me and then says "when did you first get there and why you didn't you tell me I just am curious to know the whole story , but you don't ever have to tell me anything you don't want to talk about okay?"

I wiped my eyes and said "Ok I'll tell you because I feel like I have to get it out of my system"

He says "Okay only if you want to , and I'll be right here listening to you and holding you close while you tell me I'm here for you and will always love you no matter what"

I said "Ok let me start this then, so in 1996 I was sent to a boarding school because I was like one of those kids that got sent there cause they were mean and did bad things. It wasn't so bad though and I mean a lot of people make it sound like it's a jail where kids are sent but it wasn't and I kinda liked it. One day there was this boy, you who I liked but I didn't really know that you liked me back and I was having these daydreams that me and you were dating and spending the rest of our lives together but of course someone told me you liked me and yeah it went straight to my head because like I said it felt awkward that you liked but now I feel sorry for ever making you feel like you were nothing and letting something like that go to my head and yeah I did feel like I was the best thing to ever walk on two legs because I thought I felt like everyone bowed down to me and if I could redo my past I would but I can't and I am so sorry"

He said "There must be a way we could redo our past"

I said "Well unless we had a time machine, we can't really go back in time back to 1996 and yeah I wish we could but we can't"

I guess I just have to be honest from now on but back then I didn't know how to. Well now he knows that I was the girl from boarding school!

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