Mom got arrested

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Alexa's pov

So my mom got arrested, I'm not sad, I'm glad! She's awful and I wanted her gone for awhile and now it finally happened.

This is the story on how my mom went to prison. So it was just a normal day but then Mom came over and my day was ruined because of her.

Just like usual she was she was hating on Ben and telling me to come home with her.

I said "Mom! How many times do I have to say no, I'm not going home with you, I'm staying here with Shane and Ben and there's nothing you can do about it"

She said "Ben and Shane can stay here but your coming home"

I said "I'm not leaving my husband and son and I'm not going home with you because I am home"

Shane came out of his room and he said "Mom! What is going on"

I said "Your grandma is being rude again, just go back in your room, everything is gonna be ok"

He went back to his room and I just started yelling at her, when am I not!

Ugh she's being just like how her parents were. One time she said she would never be like them and now she is.

Like her little girl got married and had kids but she doesn't approve of my husband so she's trying to convince me that he's bad for me but sure he did some stuff like he made a bet he could get me into bed but then we used it to make money. He is not bad for me and she needs to know that.

She said "You told me he made a bet to get you into bed, he's not good for you Alexa!"

I said "Ok yeah he did but after I found out I was crying because he did hurt me but then we made up and we used the bet to make money, it was so much fun. Mom you just don't have a heart and you once told me that you would never be like grandma and grandpa but here you are being just like them!"

She said "I know I said that but I thought you would find a guy that is good for you and that treats you right and someone who loves you, Alexa you should have done that, you should have gotten a guy who's just like that"

I said "I did and all you see is all the bad but maybe you should start seeing the good. He does treat me right and he loves me. You can't do anything because me and him are married and have a wonderful son. Our life is perfect but your just trying to mess it all up, also I have gotten a paper that says that you can't be here and if you do come here then your trespassing"

She said "You can't do that, I'm your mother"

I was getting frustrated at this point, I was like one of those movie characters who have smoke coming from their ears. I was really angry!

I said "Mom! A mother doesn't try to mess up their child's relationship and you'll never be my mother because you don't deserve it! I'm calling the police"

She tried telling me not to but I wasn't having it so I called them and told them she was trespassing and they came and handcuffed her.

I said "Have fun in prison with dad!"

She looked shocked and said "Wait, your father's in jail!"

I said "Yep, he got Ben kidnapped and tortured so again have fun, you should have never been my parents in the first place, You Suck!"

She got taken to prison and then I went to our room and cried. I wasn't sad that they were in prison but because I just realized that I don't have parents now and I don't even have my grandma.

My life just keeps getting better, I'm joking. The only good things are my husband, my son, and my friends.

Later I got up from bed and fainted again. I was doing so well and so I woke up in the hospital with Ben by my side, this is the first time they let him in cause he really was my only family. My mom and dad are in prison and my grandma is dead. I have no one who is actually family. I just love that I have Ben!

Turns out the reason I've been fainting is because well I'm pregnant! We are so happy to bring another little one into the family. So yeah we were gonna have add another perfect angel into the Reade family, Can't wait!

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