Back To The Future (Part 3)

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Alexa's pov

Shane is still in pain and I've been trying to help him but every time I even get close to his room I break down crying. Again I just want to wave a magic wand and make heal him but I can't and it just makes me sad to think about. 

Today I tried to go check on him but I couldn't do it and so I went to sit down on the couch and Ben came out and saw me sitting out here so he asked me what's wrong and I said "I can't check on our son without breaking down"

He sits down next to me and says "Alexa you know Shane is fine, don't stress over this"

"I know but it just breaks my heart that we can't help him anymore" I'm starting to cry again.

He says "We can help him, we just have to try"

I said "Ben I want to but every time I get to his room I can't go in, all I want to do is break down"

He put his hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down and said "How about we go check on him together"

All I did was nod my head and so we went into Shane's room and checked on him. He saw me crying and he said "Mom, I'm ok and you don't have to worry about me"

I said "I know but again your my little boy and seeing you hurt, kills me"

He says "Mom I'll be fine I promise yes it hurts but I promise it'll be fine I'll heal it's just a hurt leg I'll be fine you don't have to worry I promise"

A small smile appeared on my face and I went up to him and hugged him and he hugged back. I guess I need to calm down and stop being so worried but that's what moms do, we worry about our kids because we don't want them to get hurt.

I told Shane that I would try to worry less and he told me that he likes when I worry about him, it makes him feel safe. He said that's one thing he wouldn't change about me. My son is the best! 

I guess worrying is my best trait and because of what my son said , I won't stop worrying about him!

Back To The Past and Back To The Future (A Ben Reade fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora