Back To The Future

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Alexa's Pov

Today I got up from bed and Ben was still asleep, I then got dressed and got ready for the day. I had to go to work and sure I wanted to stay home with my two wonderful boys but they needed me there. 

I grabbed myself a lunch from the fridge and on the bag it had this little message from Ben on it, it was so cute. I then grabbed my car keys and got in my car and drove to the school. 

When I got there, I walked into my classroom and none of the students were there yet so I just set my stuff down and I waited. Finally they started coming in and they took their seats and I got up from my desk and started teaching. 

I like my job but it can be not fun sometimes. 

So hours have passed and I was so stressed from today cause I had to send a few people to the office and then I had to give them detention. I got home finally and when I walked inside Shane ran up to me and ran right into my arms. 

I gave him a big hug and a little kiss on the top of his head. I saw Ben sitting on the couch but I didn't care so I went to our bedroom and laid down. He came in shortly after and he knew something was up and all I said was "Sorry, I'm just stressed"

He asked me "What happened?"

I said "Well I had to send a few students to the office and then I also had to give them detention so I got stressed because of it"

He then hugged me and told me that he would help me with my job. He doesn't want me to get stressed and so I said "Ok sure you can come with me tomorrow, I really need you with me"

The next day he came with me to my work and he helped me with all I had to do today. A few mins pass and of course someone had to do something bad so I got really angry and sent them to the office. 

I know I should have been a little bit calmer about it but I couldn't help it. Later it was lunch time so I took his hand and I dragged him into the staff bathroom. He really liked it! He stood still and I got on my knees and I undid his belt. 

Then I put his pants around his ankles and pulled them down. I pulled out his boxers from under his clothes and I started kissing him and touching him. 

"Alexa I think I might explode if you keep going like this" he said as he moaned. 

"No no don't say anything" I replied. Suddenly I heard footsteps outside the door. I looked at the door and my heart almost stopped when I saw who it was, the principal!

He walked in and he saw what was going on so he said "Mrs. Reade!"

I felt so embarrassed and said "Oh it's not what it looks like, he was feeling pain down there so I was checking it out"

"Uh yeah you checked out my dick" Ben said. 

 I looked at him and laughed and said "Shhh!" 

Principal Smith walked over to the two of us and said "Okay you two are dismissed, I will see you tomorrow" Ben then left the bathroom and I followed and we walked out of the school building and he was holding his hand out for me to take. 

I took his hand and we walked to the car and went home. When we got home I went to Shane's room to check on him and he was taking a nap which was really cute. 

Later I wasn't feeling to good so and I tried getting up from bed and right as I stood up, I fainted. An hour later I wake up in the hospital and mom is by my side. 

I tell her "Leave! I don't want you here, I want Ben!"

She says "No I don't want to leave your my daughter sad I'm staying here and I don't want you alone with a boy especially Ben I don't trust that boy"

I said "I don't care what you think of him, he is my husband and I love him! Sure he did do something bad but I forgave him and if you can't handle me being with him then you can stop being my mother"

She says "No I will always be your mother whether you like it or not and Ben is not coming in here and after you leave the hospital you are coming home missy your not going back to that boy!"

I yelled "GET OUT! I want Ben not you!"

She then says "No I Will not get out and Ben won't  get in and you are coming back home after this end of story!"

I yelled "No! I don't want you to be apart of my life anymore, he is my husband and he is coming in here, whether you like it or not!"

I get up from the hospital bed and mom says "You should stay in bed"

I said "NO!" I ran out the door and into his arms so fast. 

Mom runs after me and says "Your coming home with me"

I said "What about Shane?"

She said "What about Shane!"

I started crying and said "Do you want me to leave him and have him grow up without a mother and stop trying to take me away from Ben, Mom your life was like mine, grandma and grandpa never approved of dad but you loved him so you didn't care what they said. Now my life is like that too, you and dad don't approve of Ben but I love him and I don't care what you think and I'm not going home with you, I'm going home with Ben!"

So he took me home and when we got there, I ran into his arms and cried. He was worried and I just hugged him and then later I went into Shane's room and checked on him.

He said "Hey mom"

I smiled and said "Hey, what's going on in here"

He said "Oh just sitting on bed, resting"

I said "Ok well if you need anything just let me or your dad know"

He said "Ok"

I walked out of his room and into mine. I was getting tired and a little faintish again so I laid down.

Ben walked into the room and saw me laying down so he asked me "Are you ok?"

I said "I'm fine, just feeling a little faintish again so I thought I should lay down"

He asked me if we should go to the hospital again but I said "No, I'm good but if I do faint then we can go. I just don't want my mom to tell me to go home with her and I don't want to keep hearing about it"

He said "Ok well let me know cause I don't want you to feel worse"

I said "What if I'm pregnant? I mean it could be possible"

He said "Do you want to take a test?"

I said "I'm good for now, I kinda wanna wait"

He said "Ok"

He was walking out the room and I said "Ben?"

He said "Yeah what's up"

I said "Don't go out there, stay in here with me"

He did and he laid down with me. He made sure I was ok which was nice.

Today was good but not good, I just have a weird life, I guess! Ok Bye , For now!

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