Chapter 19: The Battle of Blackwater

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It seemed every soldier, guard, and mage had made their way to or was making their way to Servious's castle. Alex fought fiercely within the courtyard. He ignored most of the chaos that took place around him. Instead, he continued to focus his assault on Saverious's men. Mazarine's and Hydris's forces were happy to let Alex do so. By now, the clouds above had become dark and charged with lightning. A fierce winter storm raged above the castle. The perfect energy source for Alex.

Alex raised his large sword in the air, and lightning began to descend on it. His blade acted like a lightning rod. It caused the soldiers around him to back away. They wouldn't be able to get far. With a thunderous crack, Alex quickly brought his blade down into the ground. A large shockwave of lightning was created as soldiers were sent flying backwards. The lightning worked like a chain, linking one metal object to another. Soldiers were electrocuted to death as the lightning clung to their metal weapons and armor. It was a dazzling display. One that those far away could even see, especially the two Scarlet Knights who had just arrived.

"This is bad..." Elyan said as the two of them stood atop a house.

The damage to the wall was catastrophic. The two other guild master's forces were easily able to flood into the castle courtyard. All three guilds were clashing with each other inside and outside of the castle. If the two Scarlet Knights wanted to get in, they would have to work their way through an army.

"Damn It! They planned for this! It's a suicide rush! They are planning to either escape or take everyone down with them!" Talia roared.

"We have to work our way through these insects quickly! Stop those Silver Star bastards from doing whatever they are planning!" Elyan shouted.

Talia nodded and replied, "Yes! Let's hurry!" She jumped right into the battle. The duo worked their way through Hydris's back line. They were trying their hardest to get to Alex and the other members of the Silver Star before they could pull off their plan.

Inside the castle, William, Lucine, and Abigail continued on. "We should be going towards the auction hall." Lucine said.

"I still think we should be placing this bomb on the foundation, so this castle is taken down for good." Abigail replied as they moved through the stone hallways.

William shook his head. "No, the point isn't to destroy the castle. It's to cause damage and make a scene. We want the whole town to see the explosion. That way, when we are trying to make an escape, there is a perfect distraction." William said as he hobbled behind the two girls who carried the crate.

Abigail sighed as she manned the front of the crate. "I would have liked to see this place come down."

"That makes two of us." Lucine muttered as she held onto the back of the crate.

William then spoke up. "It's too late to change the plan now. The auction hall is on the top floor of the castle and in the center. It's also one of the few places both you and Alex know about here. We will continue there, and rendezvous with Alex as planned."

Abigail then looked at William with an annoyed expression. "Yes, we know... we were just discussing what we wished could happen."

"Then be quiet and focus on the plan," William spat back.

Most of the guards had gone to the front of the castle. So, they had been able to move their way through the corridors without much resistance. The few guards they had run into, Abigail took out swiftly. As they approached the center of the castle, the number of guards increased.

"Abigail, let me carry the crate." William told her.

"You're too slow and this thing is too heavy." Abigail said.

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