Chapter 4: The Fable

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The sword she was holding fell from her hands and landed on the floor with a clatter. She thought to herself, "You are a Goddess." It could have meant so many things. Maybe he was referring to the fact that she was priceless and not a being of unlimited powers. Though that would contradict why Gresilda had been frightened of her suddenly, or the special treatment.

Saverious soon began to speak, bringing Lucine back to reality. "In that state, however, you are much too weak," he said simply. Naturally, he knew all about her; Saverious was well versed in each and every bit of merchandise that came through the auction house. "And, if I'm not mistaken, you're still confused, judging by your silence," he turned and motioned for her to follow him to the door.

"Confused isn't the word I would use."

"Oh? Then enlighten me, Goddess. " He replied.

"I don't believe you. There must be a mistake. I don't even believe that you're real," Lucine replied.

Saverious shook his head. "No, there is no mistake. We have already tested your blood and lineage. I will say you are not a pure Star Born. My guess is that a Star Born slipped into the Earth realm at some point and had children with one of the Terrans there."

Listening to his words, Lucine still couldn't believe him. "This is ridiculous, and you know it."

"Have you ever heard the call of your land? The prayers of your people?" Lucine looked at him in shock. "Don't bother denying it. I can tell by the look on your face. I bet you're wondering why you haven't heard anything since coming here."

"I hadn't been thinking about it up until now, but I haven't heard any voices since I arrived." She replied.

"I had a barrier put around this place. That way, you could not be sensed. In return, it's blocking the prayers and calls from your land. When you leave, no doubt the voices will return to you." Saverious explained.

Lucine bit her lip. How did he know about the voices? It was possible he had people watching her for a while. Maybe he had heard her conversation with Alice. "Fine, but I still don't believe I am some sort of Goddess. All I want is to get the hell out of this room."

"Believe what you will, Star Born." Lucine climbed out of the bathtub carefully, her bare feet meeting the frigid stone floor. Saverious barely glanced at her. "I doubt you want to continue standing there, and I would quite like my robe back. You are not the only one who gets chilly, "a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he could hear her following after him, quietly sniffling. "I will explain a bit more during your meal. Your gown is waiting for you."

"Do you pull humans from the earth all the time?" Lucine asked quietly.

"No, we find that Terrans simply cannot handle most of our clients' needs," he explained. They are too weak in body and mind, and even if they somehow manage to survive before then, they die in childbirth. It is a waste of resources, generally. Not to mention it's forbidden to travel between realms for most people. You, however, were worth the trip and the risk. He continued looking at her as Lucine got a little closer.

"Because you think I'm some Goddess. I'm really not anything special. "

Saverious stopped as he looked at her. "No, you are not conventionally attractive. However, that is not the reason I had you captured." He told her as they continued on their way. The two of them moved up the spiral stairs and off through a hallway in silence.

Saverious couldn't handle the awkward silence. "Besides, you are not ugly," he assured her with a smile. "Once we get your hair dried and put some makeup on you and into nicer clothes, you will be more attractive."

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