Chapter 16: Martyr

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The bells of a nearby temple of Anubis rang out through the morning mist. As it did, people began to move about the streets. Some more quickly than others. All the roads led straight to the marketplace. The closterfobic city roads opened up into a bustling city square. Lucine noticed a variety of items and goods being sold. What surprised Lucine the most, however, was the lack of food. The market seemed to have everything but.

"I thought this was a market... Where is the food?" Lucine whispered to Abigail.

"This city doesn't have access to good farm land. It gets most of its food from the sea of shadows. If you want food, we would need to go to the harbor. With the war going on, I bet this part of the city is having trouble getting fish." Abigail explained.

Lucine's stomach growled at the thought of food. She hadn't eaten since they left the hideout yesterday. "I kind of wish we had gone to the harbor." Lucine replied.

"Be strong. Alex had a collection of bags somewhere on his person. They have small pocket dimensions in them. One of them is full of food. Once he awakens, we will have a meal. For now, we have to survive on rations."

"Why don't we just start going through his bags?" Lucine asked.

"Alex has magic locks on them. His gold, rations, and everything else are within them. They are set to implode and destroy everything inside if someone tries to force them open."

"Damn, is he that paranoid?"

"Yes, he is a dragon. He won't let anyone touch his gold."

Lucine chuckled a bit at that. It seemed he did have something in common with the stories of dragons. "That's cute."


"I know for you, dragons are these horrible monsters. Though it's different for me."

"How so?"

"Dragons are considered things of imagination. Nothing more than a fairy tale. Sometimes they are evil monsters that destroy everything. Other times they are watchful protectors and loyal allies." Lucine explained.

"I see, here they are evil."

"I have one thing that has been bothering me since I arrived. If you have people who can travel to earth, why isn't there technology here?" Lucine asked.

"It's illegal to take technology from different realms. It is believed that realms are separated for a reason. If you are caught with technology from another realm, it is an instant death sentence." Abigail told Lucine as they worked through the stands. They picked up various odds and ends.

"Who makes and enforces these odd rules?" Lucine asked.

"The four great factions." Abigail said as she looked at the list William had given her.

"You mentioned the Jade faction and Sun Wukong. Who are the others?"

"North of here is the Sun Faction. It is led by Ra, a Light Born. In the west is the Norse faction, run by Odin, who is a Sky Born. The Jade Faction is in the east...." Abigail said while she looked at a bottle of liquid.

"And the fourth?" Lucine whispered.

"The Dragon Faction is run by the Queen of Evil, Tiamat. She is a Dragon Born. Anyone who has ever crossed her has met with a terrible fate." Abigail whispered.

Lucine was very curious. "You cannot just leave me hanging like that. Give me an example."

Abigail sighed as the woman felt like she was working to please a curious child with endless questions. "A few hundred years ago, Odin and his forces tried to lay siege to the wastelands. Knock the dragons down a few pegs. It didn't end well for him. It is said that Tiamat single-handedly defeated Odin and all of the Norse Faction's Gods. She didn't kill them; instead she took Thor, Odin's first born, hostage. It's said to this day he still lives. Being tortured continuously by Tiamat, used as a piece of entertainment for the twisted Queen."

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