Chapter 17: A Way Forward

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Alex let out an angry, painful roar as he slammed his fist into the ground. It caused the floor of the mausoleum to crack and split open. "I am going to slaughter them all and put all of their heads on a pole! Then burn their city to ash!" Alex screamed.

William quickly moved to try and silence Alex, but once he got close, the old man had to stop. Alex's rage had caused his body temperature to go out of control. Even the stone floor beneath his feet was turning red hot. "Alex! Control yourself! The whole damn town is out looking for us! And we both know you're not at full strength! If you give our position away, we are all going to die!" William shouted.

"Let them come!" Alex roared back.

"You're acting like a fool! You're going to kill us all!" Abigail shouted.

Alex's eyes looked right at Abigail. His gaze caused her to freeze up. The weight of the blood lust in Alex's eyes was enough to cause anyone's blood to run cold. "What did you do, coward!? When he gave his life, what were you doing!?" Alex shouted.

Tears began to build up in Abigail's eyes. "I was doing my best to fight with him!"

"Liar! You hated us from the beginning! Now you're just waiting for me to drop dead too!" Alex shouted back.

"Be quiet, Alex! She carried you to safety! You're alive because of her!" William shouted.

"And she couldn't carry Nick?" Alex asked.

"No! Someone had to hold that woman back! Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to escape! Nick was the only one left standing who could even buy us some time!" Abigail shouted back.

As they were arguing, Lucine was moving right towards the dragon. Alex's eyes moved straight to her. "What do you want? Stay out of this! It doesn't involve you!" Alex roared at Lucine.

For some reason, his eyes did not scare her. Lucine could feel the hurt, the pain and loss behind all his bravado. She could feel all of Alex's pain being forced into her soul. Lucine began to approach Alex. "I am sorry... this is all my fault." Lucine said.

"Stay back or you'll burn!" Alex warned Lucine.

Though it didn't stop her. Lucine moved closer to Alex, even as her skin became hot. "I can feel it... I don't know why, but I can feel your pain. It hurts so much. " Lucine began to cry once more, but the heat quickly evaporated them.

Alex could see that Lucine wasn't going to stop moving towards him. So he backed away from her, "You're talking crazy! Get away from me!" Alex warned.

"I can feel it... everything." Lucine said to Alex as she continued towards him, like a month to the flame. "I am sorry. It's all my fault that you're hurting."

Abigail and William looked towards each other and shared a curious glance. Instead of interrupting the two, they decided to let it play out. They watched as Lucine got closer and closer to Alex. The large knight was forced to back away from her until his back hit the wall. Lucine kept moving until she was right before Alex. Alex could see that Lucine's skin had begun to get bright red and was forced to calm himself so that the heat would not damage Lucine further.

She leaned in and wrapped her arms around Alex's waist, resting her head against his stomach. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could have done more for him and you. I know how much he meant to you."

Alex just gritted his teeth and looked away. He did his best to hold the tears in. Now that his anger was gone, all that was left in him was grief. "Just shut up..." Alex grumbled sadly.

"I know you don't want to cry... so I will do it for you. So you can continue to stay strong for all of us." Lucine whispered while Alex was silent.

"Think she could really feel his pain?" Abigail asked quietly.

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