episode 12- Finish off giffany,it ended

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Day two of gamemageddon
Trigger:i'm here at day two,can they save gravity falls!
SMG4:hey guys,this is it,time to take back the falls,after we take the falls back,get all our plushies at www.SMG4.Shop,time to end giffany once and for all!
Molly star:hey guys,before we get started,we do have...Snugglers,we also have backpacks,tee shirts and plushies,check them out by going to www.Starsquad.Shop,now it's time to get to the story!
At the mystery shack
Soos:to Giffany's throne room!
The sanderson sisters:we can help!
Rumble McSkirmish:time for battle!
Luz "dipper" pines:to battle!
Melony:it's about saving our friends!
Sash lilac:i'll never forgive you!
Miku hatsune:doko ni ma sho,hokai hashi demu,in this world...Of odds and ends!
At giffany's throne room
Giffany:you should have run now pine tree,owl,star,watermelon,SMG4,cupcake,cat,the color green,red bandana,winnifred,mary,sarah and bill cipher 👁,i have no use for forgiveness,especially from someone who destroyed romance academy 7!,the programmers tried to delete me now,but i've delete the programmers!,i'm giving you one Final chance!,i'll not delete you too!,link your hands now soos!,what do you say!
Soos:i refuse to lose! (fires the memory wipe laser gun at himself then spells "romance academy 7")
16 bit soos:i said it's game over giffany!
Magister:there will be no more killing,no more deleting and no more sending children to their demise today,you are a game character that soos love,you are the programmers' creation,the school girls,water dragons and witches are slaves to the earth dragons!
Giffany:such a excuse!,leave romance academy 7,now!
Giffany:then the magister hologram dies!
Magister:no,you don't have to do that-!
16 bit mabel:please giffany,this stops now,game over giffany!
Molly star:did we win,cool!
(when the pines girls left gravity falls,Ford says goodbye to Mabel and new dipper and polly as they go back to the owl house)
Flow:mi agita,horo sota ga taenai,ga e te shi mara sona!
Amanda lee:so i let open the window that i always kept shut!
Shadels:to change the world,and myself,i need to believe in what i can achieved!
Nate sharp:change the world and even all the colors we see!
See you in gravity falls super
It ended

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