Chapter 13 - Conflict or Closure

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The cake tastes bitter, despite the love poured into it.

It sticks to the top of my mouth like wet cement as I notice a figure begin walking directly towards me. I splutter to try and swallow the mouthful as the air around me grows heavy.

I've been leaning against the oak tree in the backyard for some time as the party moved to the outdoor picnic area with fairy lights and music to match the celebration.

I'd felt too awkward to flee the party immediately and so I resorted to plan B, which was to remain separate until unnoticed and then I would simply fade away.

I had spent a large portion of my childhood mastering how to climb up this tree and my teens learning how to scale down it from my window at night and so I received comfort from the old wood.

I consider climbing it now to avoid the confrontation that I know is blazing in my direction.

The sister whose future I robbed stiffly joins my side. Marcy chooses to tensely lean against the oak, while ensuring our arms don't touch.

My eyes flitter to her swirling ocean orbs and then return to the grass as she doesn't grant me even a glance.

My hands are growing numb from anxiety and for fear of dropping my plate, I'm quick to bend down and place it on the grass before brushing my cold hands down my front, the stiff funeral attire growing more uncomfortable by the hour.

I notice Marcy moving her hands and as my eyes are drawn to her, I notice her bleeding nail beds as she painfully picks and pulls at the skin, her inflamed wounds glowing in the night while the moon reflects the blank expression on her face.

"Marcy I-" I begin, despite my brain not knowing where the next word would come from. Thankfully I'm loudly cut off.

"Abuela has been asking for you all night," Marcy plainly states, her eyes fixed ahead. I glance back at the party to find Abuela laughing at something one of the children says as they continue eating cake at the picnic table.

"I didn't think you'd want me anywhere near you," I answered honestly.

"Majority of us don't," Marcy returns back swiftly. My temple aches conveniently to distract my heart from the sting.

"Why didn't you tell her Marcy? I didn't ask any of you to keep my lies spinning. Why are you still protecting me?!" I grumble into the grass as I keep my chin tucked down. Marcy's bitter chuckle hangs over my head like a storm cloud.

"You've always struggled to see outside of yourself haven't you, Esmeralda? We're not protecting you. We're protecting Abuela."

Marcy turns to face me fully, I notice that she has managed to grow taller than me by a few inches and her hard gaze is now devoid of the shy sister I knew.

"She's already lost so much, we won't allow you to take her heart with you. You don't deserve it."

I feel myself bristle as she pins me with a judgemental glare and considering all the good I've tried to do in the last few weeks, I grow bitter. If only she knew.

"I didn't come here for a guilt-trip, Marcy, and besides, you're hardly qualified to give an intervention," I counter sarcastically, I wanted my words to hurt. I notice the party voices have risen in volume as my family tries to hide our confrontation from Abuela. Frustratingly, my remark barely seems to shock Marcy.

"I'd be surprised if you were even capable of guilt," Marcy flippantly responds.

"I'm still human Marcy, I am capable of being a decent, kind person. You can't judge me on one mistake."

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