Chapter 11 - Loss or Gain

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"She's really gone then? My little Wendy." Colin's tears haven't stopped since he released my face as I rushed to mumble Wendy's fate to him before another outburst.

Colin raises his droopy eyes to the figure slouched next to me and recognising him for the first time since entering the room Colin gasps, reaching out his hands which are eagerly met with the aged ones next to me.

"Oh, Reg! My friend, I'm so, so sorry for everything. Wendy loved you as much as she loved me and I'm sorry I took her from you, you never deserved any of this." Colin is frantic now and with his head turned, I notice his sharp cheekbones and shallow cheeks all the more as both the men's grips shake.

"It wasn't your fault Colin, I never doubted your innocence, I knew how you loved her. I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner. Without the two of you, I've become nothing but a weak old man." Reg tries to chuckle his last sentence off but it hangs in the empty air.

"You two were my everything," Reg finally admits and uses his spare hand to pull out a handkerchief and presses it beneath his glasses.

"I was selfish when I met you Reg, I knew better than to make friends, I knew the dangers. But standing on the threshold of our new house, alone with Wendy no older than a few months, I was vulnerable and I was scared. You gave me courage from that first teething incident to her first day of highschool. You have never been weak." Colin allows a smirk to lift his exhausted features and I can tell it causes him pain as his brows tense with the motion.

Reg sobs as the words resonate with him and his glasses become so foggy that I can no longer see his eyes peering through.

"I'm sure she was thinking of you both in her final moments. Wendy didn't blame anyone, in fact, she spent her last few moments apologizing." I softly interject and both men squeeze each other's hands once more before sitting back and turning back to me, noticing me sticking out once more.

"The last time I saw my daughter she was wanting to go on a date with a boy and I forbid her. She had told me he was much older and they had met at the mall but she was acting strange, dazed. I should have noticed the signs, maybe then I could have stopped her from sneaking out that night. But it was already too late, he had found her." Colin wearily replies and drags a hand over his features, attempting to sharpen his sluggish focus.

"Once you've met him, it's already too late," I murmur sadly, thinking of how cruel fate has been to me as of late and I've only known him for a few weeks. Colin slams his closed fist on the steel table in frustrated agreement.

"Colin I need your help, together we can fix everything," I beg, finally having the opportunity to not feel so alone in this nightmare and I reach my shaking hands up to the table, revealing the image of him and his army companions. I flinch as Colin hardens his gaze at my obvious desperation, refusing to even glance down at the picture.

"Can you bring my daughter back?" Colin deadpans and I pale at the flatness of his tones.

I remain silent, softly shaking my head.

"Then we won't be fixing everything because, without her, I'll be broken forever, just like he cursed me to be." Colin spits out his words and I hear the guard behind me call out another warning as Colin remains unblinking and staring into my steadily shrinking form.

"How do I know that you weren't sent by him to torment me further?" Colin questions and Reg attempts to defend me but it's like Colin can't see him once again as his hooded eyes grow more feral and zero in on me further. I notice his emancipated body tensing, his weakened muscles flexing as the seconds go unanswered.

"I'm not under his control, you know this." I push, gesturing randomly to my features to persuade him but Colin doesn't shift his suspicions.

"That only makes me more cautious. Why are you willingly remaining involved with him?"

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