His eyes flutter open with a gentle batting of his long lashes. Sunlight clings to the tips of them and blinds his delirious vision as he sits up. Sleepily, he rubs his eyes with the sides of his index fingers, blinks a few times and yawns once again. Finally, Jimin’s gaze falls upon Namjoon, standing with his back to the bed. Broad shoulders that slope down to his thinner waist and a nice, firm ass.

It was such an interesting sight to see, such a large man bent over just for little old Jimin. The noises that left his lips were some of the most interesting assortment of sounds Jimin’s ever had the absolute honor of hearing. He’d love to hear more; find out if he could get anything else.

“Leaving so soon?” Jimin sat leaning against his headboard, scratching just behind his ear while watching Namjoon slip his underwear back on. He didn’t turn around to face Jimin until he scooped up his jeans from the ground to put them back on as well. Namjoon was just as pretty in the morning as Jimin. Bedhead suits them both well. That early morning glow after sex was basically glittering across their faces. Jimin loved the mornings after sex, his skin always looked the greatest then. A good fucking is a good way to keep the acne away.

“Thought the agreement was that I left as soon as possible. Wasn’t supposed to stay the night.” Namjoon pulled on his jeans and zipped up the fly without buttoning them up. He spotted his shirt hanging off the corner of the bedpost at Jimin’s feet and walked over to grab it. From so close, Jimin could see the rosiness of his cheeks only growing with each word that they shared. It’s cute; reminds him of Yoongi in a way. He decides that he hates it because he always liked it on Yoongi.

Jimin sighed with utter disregard. He got up and crawled his way through his blankets towards Namjoon at the end of his bed. He’s completely shameless, nude in the open air, exposed by the sunlight what was once hidden in darkness. Namjoon pulls his head through his shirt, but doesn’t have the chance to slip his arms through the sleeves before Jimin sits kneeling before him. “What? You gotta girlfriend to get back to?” That’s usually the way it goes. A girlfriend or boyfriend blowing up their phone, wondering where they were. Jimin didn’t mind it. He wasn’t looking to be anyone’s boyfriend. He wasn’t looking to be Namjoon’s either. Just a bit of fun.

Because fickle Jimin, who gets tired of everything, finds himself yet to be tired of Namjoon. It’ll come to him eventually. A few more times and he’ll fuck Namjoon right out of his system. His type will change and suddenly big, broad, and tall won't do it for him anymore.

“No,” Namjoon couldn’t bring himself to actually meet Jimin’s gaze. His eyes held so much intensity like they had the sole intention of melting the very soul of the person they meet. “I just have things to do.” Things to do, reports to write, to check on Naomi, things, things, things. His day was never done. And now he was getting quite literally fucking in the ass. Dear god, he just wanted to go the fuck home.

Jimin huffed, laying back on the messy tangle of sheets and blankets. Soft giggles escaped his lips watching as Namjoon shifted his gaze even further away in discomfort at his blatant and bold expression of his bare self. He laid out sprawled across his bed in definitive comfort. “Well, if you ever need a good lay.” The rest was implied. Jimin was a good lay if the stain on his sheets was anything to go by. Never had a moment where someone was left unsatisfied with his work. Can’t say the same for himself. That’s why he preferred topping, at least then he can also insure his own pleasure.

Namjoon fully tugs on his shirt. "If I ever need a good lay." He echoes as he goes to find his socks. "I'm not getting fucked in the ass again, Jimin." He's still sore as he bends over and can't imagine that his drive back to his hotel will be much more comfortable. "The next time, I'm fucking you." It's for the sake of his masculinity. He already isn't gay to begin with but now, he has to get fucked by a man who's smaller than him. It's fucking embarrassing.

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