Chapter 53: He's Been Poisoned.

Start from the beginning

"Who are you-" Taehyung pulled the males scarf off and his eyes went wide.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Bae Joon black mailed me! He told me to do it if anything happened to him during the duel! I'm sorry!" The male he once knew as a good knight started to break down from being caught.

"Black mail you? How?" Taehyung asked but all he got were sobs as a reply. "Answer me!"

"He had put a curse on me, I swear, he said once I had done this I would be freed from it even if he had died I had to finish my end of the deal for it to be gone!" The knight'svoice echoed through the hall as he sobbed.

"Do you know what type of poison he made you use?" The red haired prince asked sternly.

"N-no.." He shook his head. "He only told me that it would take two days for it to fully take effect" He had stopped sobbing at this point and was whimpering from the pain of being pinned down.

"Do you know of a cure? Did Bae Joon say anything?" Taehyung asked, pushing against the other's back. "Did. He. Say. Anything.?"

"No… no cure" The male shook his head.

Taehyung let go of the male harshly and stood up with his rage burning inside of him. His jaw clenched as he took a deep breath and his fist shook from how hard he was clenching it. He couldn't believe it, Bae Joon had thought one step ahead. He knew the knight wasn't at fault because of the black mailing and everything else that had happened.

"Run before I change my mind," Taehyung said to the other.


"I said run!" Taehyung shouted as he saw the now ex knight scramble to his feet and run down the hall with fear in his eyes.

Taehyung ran a hand over his face as he let out a sigh. He composed himself before walking back to the throne room. He took a deep breath before walking inside and back over to the people surrounding his father. He pushed through the crowd and made it back to father who was now on his back on the ground with his head against a folded up blanket. His crown placed next to his head on hard, cold floors.

"Who was it, Taehyung?" Jeongguk's soft voice broke the prince from his thoughts and he looked at the warlock softly before looking back to his father.

"A knight from the same rank as Ji-hun… he was the one who was made to poison the king, but who made him was Bae Joon" His voice was rough as he spoke. Taehyung heard small gasps and whispered chatter around the echoing room.

"Bae..Joon..? How? He's dead." Jeongguk asked.

"He had blackmailed the knight into doing it, as a precaution" Taehyung explained. "I let him go because it wasn't his fault"

"You have a good heart, Taehyung," Namjoon commented as he looked away from the king for a second before looking back down. "We need to move him to his quarters, it'll be more comfortable for him there"

"Okay" Taehyung nodded before he turned around to face the crowd. "Everyone, please go home, we'll do our best to keep you updated on the situation!"

The crowd did as the prince had told; all except the knights as they stood their ground. They waited till the crowd was gone before stepping forward and waiting for their own orders on what to do in this dire situation. Taehyung looked at the knights with a confused look on his face.

"Why aren't you leaving?" He asked.

"We thought that we'd carry the king to his quarters for you, Sire," Ji-hun bowed. "It would be for the best"

"I agree… Thank you" Taehyung gave them a slight nod as a signal for them to do as they said.

The group of knights walked closer to the King who was struggling to breath, he had sweat on his brow and his chest laboured when he did take short breaths in. They gently lifted the King up as a group and slowly carried him out of the throne room. The only ones left were the rest of the servants, the physician, the warlock and the prince. There was an eerie silence around the throne room, you could hear a pin drop if someone had dropped one, you could hear their soft, shallow breaths.

"Prince Taehyung" One of the servants spoke, and stepped forward to the red haired male. "We'll sort this out here and clean up, you go rest and watch over your father" They had reassured.

"I couldn't let you do that all by yourselves, I'll get the knights to help you move the tables once they've finished" Taehyung smiled.

"You're so considerate, Taehyung, we'll let them know when they come back, just go" They insisted.


"No buts, just go, I'm sure they know you well enough to know that, when we tell then that you wanted them to help us, they would do it" The servant reassured softly.

"Alright, if you say so" He nodded reluctantly, agreeing to leave before the knights got back.

"Good, now go on"

"Alright" Taehyung nodded as he turned to walk out of the throne room with Jeongguk following behind quietly and Namjoon following too.

As they walked down the halls towards the king quarters the prince was silent. It wasn't the furious type of silence; it wasn't the anger or the frustration type either. There was an ongoing battle in his mind that the warlock noticed as soon as he came back from dealing with The ex knight. Even though he still acted kind, there was a rage of emotion building up inside the prince and Jeongguk could see it in his eyes.

Once they arrived at the king's quarters, the knights had kindly left the door open so the three could walk in. The prince, warlock and physician had walked closer to the bed ridden king and Namjoon did a check over the King's body.

"Did you find anything out about what type of poison it was?" Namjoon asked as he took the king's pulse and timed it in his head while feeling the king's temperature.

".. The knight had mentioned it had no cure and the king would die in two days" Taehyung replied.

"..two days?" Jeongguk questioned.

"Yes…" Taehyung sighed. "Too soon…"

"Then we must let the kingdom know before we lose any more time," Namjoon nodded.

"Can we…" Taehyung took a breath. "Can we announce that now…? I know it's late but the people- my people need to know an update"

"Sure Taehyung," Jeongguk nodded as he placed a reassuring hand on the other's shoulder and gave a light smile.

I hope you guys liked it!! I was so excited about this, to get to it and we are one step closer to taekook actually being able to be themselves.
But the King is dead! Long live King Taehyung!

Next chapter will be kinda filler, kinda not as we explore Taehyung's emotions abit.

I purple you 💜💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now