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"Before coming to Korea, I used to think whether this new environment would welcome me. In the university they just used to talk to me because I didn't belong to here and they were curious about me. No one approached me because of who I am, until I met you, Won." The older said as he glanced towards Jungwon, who was now carefully listening to him.

Jake sighed as he continued.

"Out of all the people I've met here in Korea, you are the most important for me. And I really was happy to spend the time with you. If you had requested me to go to the forests with you, I would've agreed because you mean a lot to me."

Now it was Jungwon's turn who felt something weird. He felt his face heating up. He felt like someone is squishing something inside his stomach. He felt overwhelming but he liked that feeling. His heart started beating on the faster pace as he looked into Jake's eyes. He snapped out of it as he heard the older clearing his throat and looking away.

"T-Thankyou Jake hyung, I mean it." And that way, silence again engulfed the atmosphere.


It was another busy day when Jake and Jungwon were busy doing their job and ignoring people who just used to come to cafe to just flirt with them.

"Hey." Jungwon stopped hearing a familiar voice.

And there stood Kim Sunoo. His popular college senior. One of those people who treated Jungwon well in the university. On his graduation day, he confessed to the younger but Jungwon just couldn't say anything to him that time.

"SUNOO HYUNG!" The barista ran towards the boy to hug him.

"Hi Jake!! How are you guys doing? I'm sorry I can't come here often." Sunoo said as he pouted and hugged Jungwon back.

"We are doing well hyung. I miss the after-college hangouts though." Jake replied as he cleaned the counter once again.

"Anyways, I'm here to invite you guys to my birthday party. And where's Jay hyung? He'd get sulky if I don't invite him after being a regular customer here for years." Sunoo said as he laughed.

"I'm here! Oh Sunoo, is that you?!" Jay dropped his bag as he made way towards the young boy and side hugged him.

"YES HYUNGGG! I missed youu. I'm here to invite you guys to my birthday party. Its two days later DO NOT FORGET."

"Oh my god we'll surely come don't worry. Is Nicholas going to be there too?" Jay asked as he asked for Sunoo's cousin.

"Obviously. Anyways I have to invite a few more people, I'll get going but I'm looking forward to see you there." Sunoo said as he passed his iconic sunshine like smile and exit the cafe.

"Hyung, can we go there together? Let's call a cab to go." Jungwon asked Jake as the older nodded and Jay smiled, making way to the first floor.


It was the day for the party. Jungwon sighed deeply as he wasn't really a big fan of parties. He wanted to just spend time with Sunoo alone, he needed to see if Sunoo could give him the 'love' that he was looking for. He wore his white shirt and blue jeans. He wanted to go basic, because that was just his style. He checked the time on his phone that showed '6.55 pm'.

He heard a beep outside of his home as he noticed Jake is already there to pick him up. He felt grateful because Jake was always there for him. He hated himself for never being able to tell Jake how important he was to him.

As he stepped outside, it would be a lie if Jungwon had said that his jaw didn't drop. Jake was wearing a nude coloured coat with white shirt inside and looking charming as always.

"Hi Won!" The older waved as he saw the younger coming outside from his home, deep inside he blushed at how cute Jungwon looked.

"H-Hi hyung. You look good."

"You look amazing as always too. Let's head up to the venue then?" Jake asked as he opened the door for younger to hop in and made way to the other side of backseat.

After they reached the venue, it was an amazing banquet hall with pretty decorations. The boys wondered why Sunoo spent a lot on these because as much they knew Sunoo, he wouldn't spend this much on his own birthday. They shrugged the thoughts as they spotted Jay with his best friend, Nicholas, laughing together enjoying the party.

The next moment, the boys looked over for Sunoo, but he seemed busy and they didn't want to bother him so they just head to the food section.

"It's pretty big. Sunoo spent a lot, didn't he?" Jake wondered, looking around.

"Yes, but I'm wondering why Sunoo hyung would-" Jungwon spoke but was cut off by a very happy Sunoo approaching him and hugging him tightly.

"You guys came!! I was waiting why didn't you meet me- ARE YOU HERE JUST FOR FREE FOOD?!" Sunoo pouted as he spoke, looking at the boys with eyes full of curiosity.

"You seemed busy so we didn't bother." Jake replied as he giggled, with Jungwon nodding at his statement.

"Oh- Wait right here I'll be back." Sunoo said as he ran off to somewhere.

"Jungwon hyung?" Jungwon turned around as he turned around and smiled at the taller male.

"Oh Ni-ki!! It's been a while!" Jungwon hugged the latter as Jake just stood there and smiled at both. He felt something weird, something different, that he didn't like.

"Ni-ki, this is Jake hyung. I told you about him-"

"Oh the considerate and kind best friend hyung?" Ni-ki's eyes shone as he looked at the older.

"Ah- hello nice to meet you-"

"Nishimura Riki. The junior I told you about." Jungwon glanced at Jake and he at once understood that Jungwon was kind of attracted to him too.

"OH YOU'RE THAT NI-KI." Jake clapped as he suddenly realized.

"Oh? Jungwon hyung talks about me?! What does he say-" The youngest raised his eyebrows curiously.

"Nothing serious, just how we met and stuff." Jungwon said as he looked and smiled at Ni-ki who was now confused.

"Guys I'm here. Meet Fuma hyung, well... we're dating. He was the one who did all the preparations for this party." Sunoo said as he held the older male's hand and looked at his friends, hoping that they'll support them.

Jake snapped his head towards Jungwon, who was now smiling at Sunoo.

"Congratulations Sunoo and Fuma hyung! You guys look amazing together." Jungwon said as he glanced at Jake for a while, his eyes showing no emotions.

Jake was confused. Was Jungwon sad? Was he not? He must be disappointed maybe? But then he saw the boy laughing his heart out when Ni-ki made a joke. Maybe not.

"Well, enjoy the party guys, we'll be over there near the stage if you need us." Fuma said as him and Sunoo made way towards the other side of hall.



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