Five - Ryan Ross the Overgrown Emo Child

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"Oh my God."

This was not happening. They could not be him. Would not be him. I didn't care if we'd spent maybe an hour or so talking - that didn't make up for how much of an asshole he was.

I jumped when his voice broke the silence, "Patrick? You okay, you look kind of pale..."

Turning to him, I let all my irritation out and gave him a glare that if looks could kill, well, he'd be six feet under. "No, I'm not okay! You ruined even this for me Wentz! The one thing I thought wouldn't be hurt by the way I look or the way I am, and you still manage to ruin even that for me! This is new, even for you and your asshole friends."

He looked taken aback by my sudden outburst, stepping away slightly and raising his arms as a sign of peace. "I'm not that much of an asshole..."

"Oh, I promise that you are." I rolled my eyes, of course he wasn't. Assholes weren't the type of people to fuck up your life now were they? "Why would you do that to me? To anyone? I just-I just wanted a friend."

"I did too! This wasn't a set up Stump - I wanted this just as much as you. But you-you won't even give me a chance. I think that you of all people would know how that feels."

"Yeah, you want to know how I know how that feels? Because of you."

He ran a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry okay? I'm so fucking sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. You want coffee? You do, that's obvious. As soon as we get out of this shithole, I'll get you coffee. Sorry."

"Coffee and empty apologies aren't going to fix anything. You're still an asshole, and I still hate you."

"I know, but it's a start right?"


I stared at my brother from across the table, searching his face for any distant resemblance between the two of us. The most I could find was a little something around the eyes, perhaps a familiar crease running along the corner of his mouth. The biggest similarity we had personality-wise was our shared love of coffee, but that was it - we were practically complete opposites.

He was the infamous Gerard Way, and I was his lame kid brother who couldn't even bag a date. He carried his head high, and I did everything I could to tone myself down and blend into the shadows. The thought of not sticking out automatically made me drag my beanie even further down my head and slouch a bit more into my chair as I glared at my oh-so-perfect older brother.

"Pass the salt will you Moikay?"

"Ugh, whatever."

Okay, so maybe a family dinner was not the best setting for an existential crisis regarding how I could possibly get one up on Gerard, but teen angst waits for no man.


When 'family dinner' was finally over, I retreated back to the safety of my room and the obnoxiously loud music I could play whilst inside it, turning it up to full blast and banging my head along to the beat. It sounds weird, but when I had music so loud I couldn't hear anything else but the instruments and lyrics I felt safe. It was a safety blanket, enveloping me and blocking out my worries and problems for the duration of a short lifetime. When the song ended, I slowly felt all the sadness and anger seeping back into my bones and quickly pressed play on the next.

I was just getting into the fourth song on the album when a progressively loud knock on the door made me jump and run over to the speakers, turning the music down a bit and dragging myself to the door. As soon as I saw his face, my 'I-couldn't-care-less' exterior was washed away and replaced by a shy little boy, gulping and stuttering.

"H-h-hey Pete."

"Hey Mikes, we're trying to watch a movie and your brother asked me to ask you to turn this down a little," he swept his hair out of his eyes as he said that with a little smirk playing on his lips. I had known Pete for what seemed like forever, and had been crushing on him for not much less. I'm pretty sure he knew by then how infatuated I was with him.

"Yeah, s-sure. Sorry."

"No, it's cool," he gave me a smile that showcased all his perfect teeth and continued, "You have a good music taste by the way."

"Th-thanks Pete."

"My pleasure Mikey. Now if you'll excuse me, I really have to get back to this movie. You know how it is with Gerard." by the time I breathed out a goodbye he had already left, leaving me alone in the doorway to swoon over the way his hips moved when he walked. I really was in deep for him.

I shut the door and fell back onto my bed, sighing deeply. I had absolutely no shot whatsoever with Pete - I was always just going to be his best friends pathetic younger brother - but I could hope. I shut my eyes lightly, jumping for the second time today as my phone buzzed.


The voice on the other line came immediately back, "Mikey! How are you? It's Ryan."

"What about him?" I wasn't as great friends with Ryan as I was Frank, but I still cared about him at least a little.

"I think he's dead."


Luckily, Frank had been exaggerating.

At least a little.

Ryan was in fact not dead, well at least not physically. Emotionally was a whole other matter.

"Ryan, calm down. It's okay." He just flipped Frank and I off, his face still buried in a pillow.

I rushed to Ryan's house as soon as Frank had hung up, expecting it to be something actually serious. Not that this wasn't serious to Ryan of course, I mean being told you had to move music classes was obviously cause for an emotional breakdown.

"Ryan. You're literally just swapping science for music. It's not like you're going to die."

"You don't understand. That's the class with them."


"Fucking Brendon Urie and his stupid asshole friends." He lifted his head up slightly just to hit it against the pillow again, "Kill me now."

Frank stood up, "Seriously? That's why we're here? For fucks sake, just avoid them. It's not like being in the same class for one subject means you have to talk to them or anything!"

"No, but it means I have to so much as breathe the same air as them. I'd rather not catch asshole-itis."

"You haven't already?"

Ryan groaned and threw the pillow he was lying on at him, "Shut it Iero." He sat up and glared at the ground like it was the floor's fault he had been forced to switch classes.

"Ryan, grow up. If Patrick was here, he - where is Patrick?" I looked around as Patrick was usually the one to put up with Ryan. I glanced at Frank, "Didn't you call him too?"

He shrugged, "I did, but his phone sent me straight to voicemail. Maybe he's staying at his grandparents' again, you know how his family is."


Frank checked the time on his phone. Biting his lip, he started over to the door, "I'm sorry Ryan, I mean this really was a valid use of my time and all, but I kind of have to go." he sighed, "Don't look at me like that, George, I have plans."

Ryan cringed slightly at the name, "What plans?"

"Important plans. Now bye guys." He gave a short wave as he left, leaving me alone with an overgrown emo child.

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