I'm now anxiously awaiting a reply and it comes almost immediately.

Yelena 🥰: I could never forget you. But tonight sounds good, send me your address and I'll pick you up at 7 and dress nicely.

I send her the address and start to panic again.

,,She's picking me up at 7 and she told me to dress nice, I need help, please." Chloe gets up first.

,,We're going to the mall, you need a new outfit to show her what she's been missing." I blush again.

,,Wait, what about Ryan? Where is he? I haven't heard him since I got here."

,,Don't worry, he's with Beca. Since the crash Beca wants to keep him close to her, it's adorable." I nod. Aubrey and I join Chloe outside, we get in my car and make our way to the mall.

At the mall, I'm looking through the clothes and just get overwhelmed since I'm not the biggest fan of dresses I make my way over to the suits and find a nice all-black suit and then Aubrey comes over with a silk black tie to match it.

,,There, that will finish the outfit off nicely. Don't worry, I know better than to try and force a dress on you. I distracted Chloe, telling her to look for something to wear for Beca." I laugh a bit.

,,Thanks Aubrey, I'm just nervous and want her to like me." She nods.

,,Oh trust me, when Yelena sees you in this suit she will be hooked for sure." We grab the suit in my size then head over to the in-store tailor so they can make a few adjustments so it fits me perfectly. After about an hour and a half of waiting the suit is ready. I pay for it, then we decide to go grab a light lunch before I drop the girls back at Chloe's. Lunch is quick and I notice Chloe has a bag with her too so I ask her what she bought. Her face lights up.

,,A new dress that hopefully will impress Beca. You gave me an idea to take her out to a nice place as well." Both Aubrey and I smile and then get back to our food. We finish eating in record time. I drive them back to Chloe's place, or actually Nina's place, but ask Aubrey if she would come over to my place so she can help me finish getting ready.

,,Please Aubrey, if I don't have someone else there then who knows what could happen. I could rip the suit, or burn my hair, or mess up my make-up, or - The possibilities are endless." Aubrey giggles a bit.

,,Emily, don't make me slap you again. But of course, I'll help you, come on let's go." We say bye to Chloe and then make our way to my place.

Once inside, Aubrey goes into drill sergeant mode.

,,You go shower and wash your hair while I take out the suit and hang it so the wrinkles can get out. And where is your closet? I need to find you some shoes too." I spin around to face her, after locking my door.

,,My closet is in my bedroom, and yes ma'am, as you command." Aubrey laughs a bit.

,,Get a move on, we only have three hours until she's here and I know you'll need at least one of those to take your showers and do your hair, to freak out, and because it's you, potentially a second fast shower to calm you down." I look at Aubrey in disbelief but she just pushes me toward the shower, telling me to stop wasting time. The time is winding down to when Yelena is going to pick me up and as much as I hate to admit it, Aubrey was right about me needing that second shower to calm down. Aubrey is putting the finishing touches on me for my make-up when my apartment bell buzzes signifying someone is here. I go over to the intercom and buzz them in. Aubrey puts her hands on my shoulders. ,,Now, just remember to stay calm and to be yourself. She likes you from the moment you two made eye contact and you were in a hospital gown at that time, so now you're gonna knock her off her feet." I nod.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now