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Chloe's point of view

I'm just sorting dinner for Ryan when the doorbell rings. Wanting to beat my curious little boy to the door, I walk quickly. Luckily though Ryan doesn't seem to have heard it, he's still sitting watching Cars, which I had put on to keep him occupied.

Having reached the door, I take a deep breath before opening it. Not wanting to keep the person waiting, I didn't look through the peephole. So when the door opens, I'm completely stunned. There standing at my door is Serena, Beca's beautiful girlfriend.

,,What are you doing here? If you've come to stake your claim on Beca, then it's already clear that she's moved on and she's happy with you. I'm not in the mood to have you gloat about it to my face so you can just leave right now?" I say quietly feeling drained. Moving to close the door, it doesn't close because Serena sticks her foot out.

,,Wait! Please, I'm not here to gloat. Beca and I aren't even together anymore, I broke up with her!" Serena says, kinda frantically. My mind immediately races and every thought spews out of my mouth.

,,What?! Why would you do that? Beca is the best! She's beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, terrific, funny, sweet, kind, caring... God, I could go on forever. Beca's the most amazing person ever. When she loves you, it's forever. Her love is the only thing in the world that matters so much. You have her love, why did you let it go?! You have to get her back, she'll forgive you. Beca's great that way, she'll forgive you because she loves you. You haven't betrayed her as I have. You can give her the life she deserves, you can give her a child that's hers, that she'll love with everything she has. Beca will be a great mother, if it's to your child, you'll be the luckiest woman alive. You have to go back to her Serena, please. You make her happy and that's all I want for her. I love her and have to let go. I'll never find another love like the one I had with her." I can't help but let that all out needing to get my point across.

,,Chloe, can I come in please? This is not a conversation for others to hear." Nodding, I stand back and let her come in. Closing and locked the door behind her. Taking a moment, I lean my head against the door and just let the coolness of it calm me a little.

Ryan's voice is what brings me back, I walk to the living room to see Serena standing next to Ryan as he points out all the characters in his movie. She seems to be paying attention and engaging with him. It hurts that it's her and not Beca like I've dreamed of for two years.

,,Uhm sorry, I wanted to give you a minute and Ryan heard me. He wanted to show me his movie, I hope that's okay?" Serena says when she notices me standing and watching. She seems nervous and I can't figure out why.

,,Yeah that's, I guess it's fine." I try to smile at her, but it comes out more like a grimace. ,,Ryan sweetie, I'll be in the kitchen just talking to my friend okay? If you need me, call out and I'll come. Dinner will be ready soon and we can eat in here." Saying this to Ryan feels weird. Serena and I aren't friends and I don't know if we ever will be either.

I lead the way to the kitchen, kinda just hoping that Serena is following me. I go back to the stove to finish putting Ryan's dinner on an oven tray. I already put out some potato smiley faces, so now I need to put the fish fingers on too. With those now ready, I open the oven and pop the tray in, setting the timer for about fifteen minutes.

,,Chloe, are you ready to talk now? It's just that this is kinda sensitive." Serena now talks. I heard her pulling out a stool, but nothing else from her until now.

,,Yeah, okay. But seriously, I want answers. I wasn't joking before when I said all that stuff. Yeah maybe I didn't plan for it all to come spilling out like that but I did mean every word. I need an explanation from you, but first, you need to tell me how you know my address. I have a son and I don't like people giving out my address without my permission. If it was Beca, she had no right and was out of order. She's been hurting me for months now, isn't that enough?!" The hurt that's been building even more since Beca came back is getting strong.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن