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Chloe's point of view

It's the next morning and Emily asked me to go with her to the police station since she thinks I'll give her the least amount of teasing for her little crush on Yelena. Beca and Emily were both discharged in the morning, so I asked Aubrey if she could bring Beca and Ryan back to Nina's place while I go with Emily.

Beca had woken up before everyone else and asked me if she could spend the day with Ryan because after yesterday she feels they need more bonding time and she was afraid to lose him. I told her whatever she needed was fine with me. We all got dressed and ready to go our separate ways.

As Emily and I get closer to the precinct, I can sense her nerves, so I pull over to park the car and grab Emily's hands.

,,What's wrong?" Emily looks up at me with sad eyes.

,,What if she doesn't like me or want to get to know me? I've never had feelings like this before and I don't know what to do." I squeeze her hands.

,,Emily, you won't know unless you try and you're amazing so if she can't see that then it's her loss, okay? Now, let's get in there and get you that hot detective." Emily laughs a bit.

,,I'm telling Beca you called her hot." I roll my eyes.

,,Let's go now, you're wasting time." We make it inside and I walk to the front desk. ,,We are looking to speak to detective Belova, can you let her know we are here?" The officer just looks at me confused.

,,I'm sorry, but miss Belova is interrogating some suspects right now. But maybe you can wait for her in the room behind the interrogation room." She grabs the phone on her desk and calls. After some time she tells us to go to the twelfth floor and that there is a colleague of Yelena waiting for us. Emily and I go into the elevator and press number 12.

It doesn't take that long for the elevator to stop on the twelfth floor. The door opens with a ding and we step out. Right on cue, a guy turns to us.

,,You two are here for detective Belova, right?" We nod. ,,You can follow me, she's in interrogation. We can watch if you want to?" I look over at Emily and see that she's curious.

,,We would love to see her in action." The guy walks us to a tiny room, behind one of the interrogation rooms. We can see and hear everything Yelena tells the suspect.

,,I was there, so what?" The suspect tells Yelena. ,,I needed a place in the city to stay for a couple of nights. Is that a crime?"

,,No, but killing a girl is. What did your brother promise you, Martin? Respectability for the black sheep, a place at the family table?"

,,I told you, I've never seen this girl before in my life. You're wasting your time."

,,Do you have any idea how many people have sat across that table and confessed their sins to me? What makes you think that you're any different, any smarter? You've only been in this room for one hour, but this room has been my life. My home. And I will not let you sit there and lie to me in my own home." Yelena grabs a piece of paper and lies that in front of the suspect on the table. ,,This is a partial print found at the crime scene in the victim's blood. It's a match to yours, Martin. Am I still wasting my time?" Yelena sits down across from him now. ,,I've got enough to convict you. So the question is, how many years of your own life are you gonna sacrifice for someone else's future? Or are you ready to deal?" Wow, she's good at this! Yelena stands up again and then leaves the room. The guy gestures for us to follow him as he leads us to Yelena who just grabbed a cup of coffee.

,,You were amazing in there." I tell her and she smiles when she sees us.

,,There you are, I was wondering when you would show up." She looks more to Emily than me but I don't mind that at all. Those two have the hots for each other.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now