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Emily's point of view

It has been three days since I gave Yelena my number and I haven't heard from her since. Maybe she was only interested in getting it for the case. I'm currently on my way to see Chloe because I need some advice and she hopefully won't tease me too badly. When I get there however it's Aubrey who opens the door to my surprise.

,,Emily, what's wrong? What are you doing here?" I take a deep breath.

,,I'mhavingaproblemandIneedadviceandIwashopingnottogetlaughedataboutit." Aubrey puts her hand under my chin to make me look at her.

,,Emily, no one here will laugh at you okay? Now, come inside, and let's try to figure it out." I follow her into the apartment.

,,Aubrey, who was at the door?" I hear Chloe ask and I answer before Aubrey can.

,,It's just me. I need your advice but you seem busy, so I'll talk to you later." Chloe comes into the room now.

,,Nonsense, Em. You're always welcome here, now tell me does this have anything to do with the hot detective?" I feel my face heat up with a blush and just nod my head. Chloe then comes over and drags me to the couch. ,,What's wrong? You can talk to us, you know that, right?" I take a minute to compose myself, then look up at Chloe.

,,I gave her my number as she asked for when we were at the station three days ago, but I haven't heard from her since then. Maybe all she wanted it for was for the case and I was overthinking it in my head and made it up because I wanted it." Chloe pulls me in for a hug.

,,Oh, honey I'm sure that's not the case. I was there when she asked for it and it was not work-related, because she only asked you for your number, remember?" I nod a little at this, thinking back and remembering that's true.

,,But if that's true then why haven't I heard from her?" Aubrey joins us on the couch and puts her hand on my shoulder.

,,Because you fell for a successful detective in a city with a lot of crime. I'm sure she's just been busy, I'm positive you'll hear from her soon." I turn to look at Aubrey now.

,,But how do you know?" Before Aubrey can answer, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket, signifying a new message has come in. The number is unknown, so I look at Aubrey again. ,,How did you do that?" Both she and Chloe giggle.

,,I told you it was going to happen. Sometimes just trust me, now stop wasting more time and open the message." I smile brightly, then open the message.

+1-646-618462208: Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting but would you like to get dinner together sometime? -Yelena.

I quickly change her number to Yelena🥰 and squeal, which almost let me throw my phone.

,,She asked me to dinner and apologized for not talking sooner. What do I do?" Chloe grabs my hand now.

,,First off, calm down before you spiral out, and second, message her back asking for tonight."

,,What?! Tonight? Are you crazy?! I'm not ready for tonight. What if she says no? Or doesn't want to go? Or what if -" I start to ramble out but I'm cut off by a slap to my face from Aubrey. I hold my cheek and glare at her. ,,Ow, what was that for?" Aubrey rubs my back.

,,Sorry, but you were spiraling and needed to be stopped. Now you're going to respond to her simply and just ask her for tonight. Don't worry, Chloe and I will help you get ready." I nod and grab my phone and type out my response.

Emily 🤪: That's okay, I was just getting a little worried that you forgot about me 😳. How about dinner tonight? Does that work for you?

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